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Daedra Heart
Daedra Hearts are harvested from slain Daedra, primarily Dremora. In older times, they could be found on many other varieties of Daedra, including Clannfears, Daedroths, Golden Saints, Hungers, Ogrims, and Xivilai. These beings, to the extent that they can still be encountered, now produce other ingredients. But Dremora have consistently been a reliable source for Daedra Hearts. |
† These are used as crafting materials, but not in Alchemy.
Daedra Silk
Daedra Silk is produced by Spider Daedra, and can be harvested from their corpses. |
Daedra Skin
Daedra Skin is a very rare ingredient, almost never found on actual Daedra. |
Daedra Venin
Daedra Venin is produced by Spider Daedra, and can be extracted from their corpses. |
Daedroth Sac
Daedroth Teeth
A Daedroth
Daedroth Teeth are harvested from the deadly Daedroth, a rare Daedra with crocodilian features. Although their existence has been known in Tamriel for hundreds of years, the alchemical properties of their teeth were not discovered until just before the Oblivion Crisis. |
Deathbells are a flower that grows in Skyrim, useful in making poisons. |
Deathsnow Dust
Deformed Swamp Tentacle
- See Swamp Tentacle.
Diamonds are mined from volcanic regions such as Vvardenfell in Morrowind, and can also be found in mineral deposits in Skyrim. They are also commonly found in the ruins of the Dwemer, who presumably had industrial uses for them. |
†Diamonds in Oblivion are not alchemical ingredients, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.
‡Diamonds in Skyrim are also not used in alchemy, but can be used to craft jewelry.
*In Elder Scrolls Online, Diamonds are used for crafting armor, and not in alchemy.
Dog Food
Dragon's scales
†This is used as a crafting material, but not for Alchemy.
Dragon's Tongue
Dragon's Tongue flowers grow in Cyrodiil and Skyrim, and are valued for their fire resistance abilities. |
† This is used as an ingredient in beverages, and not in alchemy.
Dreugh Wax
Dreugh Wax is found on Dreugh, both the sea-bound variety seen around Vvardenfell and their land-based cousins in Cyrodiil. |
† This is used as a crafting material, but not in alchemy.
Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap
Dryad Saddle Polypore Caps are a rare shelf fungus found on stone walls and caves in Cyrodiil. |
Durzog Meat
Durzog Meat is the meat of the Durzog, a dog-like reptilian creature found both domesticated and wild in the Deshaan region of Morrowind. |
Dwarven Oil
Dwarven Oil is extracted from Dwarven automatons, found in Dwemer ruins in Skyrim. Similar machines found around Vvardenfell were once used as a source of Scrap Metal. |
†Spoiled Dwemer Oil in Tribunal is a potion, rather than an ingredient.
‡ This is used as a crafting material, but not for Alchemy.