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Oblivion:Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap

< Alchemy / Items: Ingredients
Value 10 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Restore Luck Restore Luck
2nd Resist Frost Resist Frost
3rd Damage Speed Damage Speed
4th Frost Damage Frost Damage
# Samples 9
Plant Dryad's Saddel Polypore  % 50
# Plants 47
Dryad's Saddel Polypore

The ingredient Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap comes from the plant "Dryad's Saddel [sic] Polypore", which is a mushroom that is found only in a few disparate locations.


9 guaranteed samples can be found. The places with the highest numbers of samples are:

It can also be found randomly in the inventories of alchemy vendors and in some loot chests.


The places with the highest concentrations of Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap are:

  • 11 plants are at the entrance to Wendir (map)
  • 7 plants are in exterior cell (11, 32) (map), near a Hestra Rune Stone
  • 6 plants are in exterior cell (-19, 15) (map)
  • 5 plants are in exterior cell (24, 27) (map), near a Hestra Rune Stone
  • 4 plants are in the Arcane University gardens (map)
  • 3 plants are in exterior cell (-20, 16) (map)
  • 3 plants are in exterior cell (29, 9) (map), near a Hestra Rune Stone
  • 3 plants are in exterior cell (0, 32) (map)
Locations of Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap plants