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< Utilizador:Kiz
Sandbox No. 1 Inventory Lists! The Dawnguard part! Sandbox No. 2 Inventory Lists! The Dragonborn part!
Sandbox No. 3 Inventory Lists! The big weapons list! Sandbox No. 4 Inventory Lists! The Daedric part!
Sandbox No. 5 Inventory Lists! The Dwarven part! Sandbox No. 6 Online Map Marking
Signature P1 Signature, Part 1. Signature P2 Signature, Part 2 (see Notes).
Welcome Message Slightly different welcome message. Navbar Transcluded to user page for simplicity.
monobook.js Personal Javascript settings monobook.css Personal CSS settings
wikied.js WikiEd homepage, version: 0.9.102, cannot get newer versions to work.


  • Two signature pages are used so at not call {{#ifeq}} multiple times if I partake in a discussion, code in preference box is as follows: