This page is about Inventory Lists! The Dawnguard part! |
All the entries in the following table have a 0% chancenone† (or a 100% chance) of dealing out one of the given items.
ListFormId | Flags | Level | Item | ItemId | ItemCount‡ |
DLC1FalmerShamanWeapon xx00E8DA |
None | 1 | Bound Sword | 00058F5F | 1 |
None | 1 | DLC1LitemStaffFalmer00 | xx011D64 | 1 | |
None | 14 | Bound Sword | 00058F5F | 1 | |
None | 14 | DLC1LitemStaffFalmer25 | xx011D65 | 1 | |
None | 25 | Bound Sword (Mystic) | 000424F9 | 1 | |
None | 25 | DLC1LitemStaffFalmer50 | xx011D66 | 1 | |
DLC1LItemDisguisedHunterInventory xx011F3A |
UseAll | 1 | Steel Bolt | xx000BB3 | 3 |
UseAll | 1 | Dawnguard War Axe | xx00D098 | 1 | |
UseAll | 1 | DLC1LItemEnchCrossbow | xx00D0EA | 1 | |
UseAll | 1 | LItemEnchRingAll | 00100E8A | 1 | |
DLC1LItemDisguisedVampireInventory xx011F3B |
UseAll | 1 | LItemEnchRingAll | 00100E8A | 1 |
UseAll | 1 | LItemEnchWeaponDagger | 0008992F | 1 | |
DLC1LItemWeaponDawnguardCrossbowLoot75Gated xx00D0EC |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Crossbow | xx000801 | 1 |
AllLevels, EachItem | 7 | Crossbow | xx000801 | 1 | |
AllLevels, EachItem | 17 | DLC1LitemEnchDwarvenCrossbowGated | xx00D0E4 | 1 | |
AllLevels, EachItem | 27 | DLC1LitemEnchDwarvenCrossbowGated | xx00D0E4 | 1 | |
DLC1LItemWeaponFalmerShaman xx015CB5 |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Bound Sword (Mystic) | 000424F9 | 1 |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | DLC1SublistStaffDestructionFalmer | xx015CB4 | 1 | |
DLC1WrathmanSummonedWeapon2H xx014CA1 |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Dragonbone Battleaxe | xx014CA0 | 1 |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Dragonbone Greatsword | xx014C9F | 1 | |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Dragonbone Warhammer | xx014C9E | 1 | |
LItemDawnguardWeaponAny xx01421C |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Dawnguard War Axe | xx00D098 | 1 |
AllLevels, EachItem | 1 | Dawnguard Warhammer | xx00DD55 | 1 |
All the entries in the following table have a 0% chancenone† (or a 100% chance) of dealing out one of the given items.