Página principal/Did You Know
- ... that Argonians prefer to call themselves Saxhleel, meaning "People of the Root" in Jel, their native tongue?
- ... that the Sload created the Thrassian Plague which caused half of the population of the Iliac Bay, and perhaps even Tamriel, to die out in 1E 2260?
- ... that Skyrim is the first TES game in which the player's health regenerates on its own?
- ... that the Numidium was a giant Dwemer construct powered by the Heart of Lorkhan, and used by Tiber Septim to conquer all of Tamriel?
- ... that you can be crowned Emperor in ESO?
- ... that a variety of diseases can be caught by unlucky travelers in the Iliac Bay region, Vvardenfell, Cyrodiil and Skyrim?
- ... that the Dawnguard was originally formed to contain the Jarl of Riften's vampire son sometime in the Second Era?
- ... that Morrowind is the only game in the main series where the player does not have to fight his way out of a starter dungeon?
- ... that dragons are sacred to the Empire, and have aided them in ancient wars?
- ... that the Psijic Order has removed their home isle of Artaeum from the world twice?
The above are transcluded onto the Main Page. The facts come from any articles on the wiki, with the newest facts on top. Other than the most recent additions, the rest of the facts are randomly selected for display on the main page.