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Este artigo é sobre the vanity items. Para summoned familiars, veja Familiars.

Pets are companion creatures that will follow the player. They are account-wide vanity items and don't help in combat.

A pet can be summoned by activating it from the Collections tab, although they cannot be used in Cyrodiil. You can only have one pet active at a time. As of Update 6, pets can be given individual names. Pets were originally bound items, and needed to remain in your inventory to stay active. A summoned assistant will temporarily replace your pet until dismissed.

Some of the pets were available as loyalty rewards given for a certain number of months of paid subscription, and some are purchases available from the Crown Store. Others are only available from various promotions. The only pet available from standard gameplay is Razak's Opus, although several can be earned in a similar fashion by completing DLC content or as DLC loyalty rewards.

Abecean Ratter Cat

The Abecean Ratter is famed from Hegathe to Woodhearth as a prime rodent-catcher.

Abecean Ratter Cats are brown cats that are available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Caramel".

Alik'r Dune-Hound

The Dune-Hound is the loyal dog of the Redguard hunters of the Alik'r.

Alik'r Dune-Hounds are hound dogs that are available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Sandy".

Baby Netch

Once this young Netch calf imprints on a master, it will follow him or her anywhere, floating along and tootling happily.

Baby Netch pet is available from the Crown Store for 700  . Its default name is "Bulgy".


Though unwilling to fight, this Daedric minion will follow you loyally--for now.

Banekin pets are available from the Crown Store for 700  . Its default name is "Ornery".

Bantam Guar

According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the bantam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel.

Bantam guar pets were originally available from the Crown Store for 400  , but can now only be obtained as part of the Adventurer Pack. Its default name is "Squee", changed from "Squeee" in Patch 2.0.5 due to contradicting the existing naming conventions of player characters.

Black Bear Cub

The Black Bear Cub is both playful and affectionate, and is so adorable it's quickly forgiven for whatever trouble it gets into.

Black Bear Cubs were originally available from the Crown Store for 1000  . Its default name is "Roly-Poly".

Bravil Retriever

The Bravil Retriever loves the water, and is a favorite hunter's companion from Anvil to Gideon.

Bravil Retrievers are gold-colored dog pets available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Dogdroth".

Bristlegut Piglet

This cross between a domestic pig and a Skyrim boar is as loyal as it is adorable.

Bristlegut Piglets are regularly given out at conventions and as part of official competitions and giveaways. Its default name is "Muddles".

Cave Bear Cub

The Cave Bear Cub may miss its mountain home, but that just makes it twice as loyal to its mortal companion.

A brown bear cub released alongside the Orsinium DLC, available from the Crown Store individually for 700   or as part of the Orsinium DLC Collector's Edition for 5,000  . When idle it may rear on its hind paws and play with a butterfly. Its default name is "Honeymuzzle".

Crony Scrib

The caramel scrib crony is a quiet companion, devoted and easily housebroken.

Crony Scrib pets come with the purchase of the official Fighters Guild Journeyman figure from Symbiote Studios (redeemable only on PC/Mac). Its default name is "Grubchum". The item was originally called "Pet Scrib".


This scurrying vermin from Oblivion would be lost in the vastness of Nirn without a loyal companion and guide. Even a Daedric rodent needs a friend.

Daedrats are Daedric rat creatures that are available from the Crown Store for 500  . It was released alongside the Imperial City DLC. Its default name is "Twitchy".

Daedric Scamp

A foul-smelling Daedric minion, who will follow you loyally, though it won't fight for you.

Scamp pets are available from the Crown Store for 700  . Its default name is "Stinker".

Dragontail Goat

The brown Goats of the Dragontail Mounts are stronger than they look. There is a saying in Hammerfell: "Hits as hard as Dragontail ram!"

Available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "William".

[[File:{{{icon}}}|{{{iconSize}}}|right|Appears only with Orsinium]]


Full-grown echateres may be stubborn and ornery, but the baby Echalettes are playful and, frankly, just plain adorable. Once a young Echalette bonds with its master, it becomes a devoted companion."

An Echalette pet is received when entering Orsinium for the first time, as part of the DLC loyalty reward program. Its default name is "Skitters".

Fennec Fox

A native of Hammerfell, the Fennec Fox has been domesticated by many of its desert peoples, and makes an alert and loyal pet.

Fennec fox pets are available from the Crown Store for 700  . Its default name is "Li'l Vixen", although it originally had no default name.


Who doesn't want to be followed around by a hulking, armored Daedric bug with steel mandibles and a venomous stinger? It eats nothing but the cries and lamentations of your enemies, so it's an easy keeper. Friendly, too—in its way.

Fiendroth pets are large blue-gray Daedric insects available from the Crown Store. Its default name is "Evil Weevil".

Freckled Guar

Freckled Guar pets are available from the Crown Store.

Helstrom Ancestor Lizard

Some scholars believe Argonians are descended - or were uplifted - from these tree-dwelling swamp lizards. True or not, they make great pets, affectionate and low-maintenance.

The Helstrom Ancestor Lizard is a lizard pet available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Princess". It was originally datamined as "Pet Argozog" at release.

High Hrothgar Wraith

An ice wraith from the slopes of the highest mountain in Tamriel.

The High Hrothgar Wraith is an ice wraith pet that was given as a loyalty reward for three months paid subscription. Its default name is "Tinsel".


This green-eyed feline is a distant relative of the Alfiq Khajiit.

Housecats are gray tabby cats. They are available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Deathstare".

Imgakin Monkey

The imgakin monkey pet is lively and cheerful, even in the grimmest of dungeons.

Imgakin pets were given to players who participated in any of the weekend PC beta events. Its default name is "Raisins". The item was originally called "Pet Imgakin".

[[File:{{{icon}}}|{{{iconSize}}}|right|Appears only with Thieves Guild]]


The Jackal of Tamriel is called by some the "thieves' dog" because it's quick to sniff out sources of food, and clever enough to figure out how to get at them. Once tamed, they serve as loyal companions.

A Jackal pet is received when entering Abah's Landing for the first time, as part of the DLC loyalty reward program. It occasionally howls. Its default name is "Mischief".

Kindlespit Dragon Frog

The common or Kindlespit Dragon Frog is an engagingly preposterous little pal whose antics never fail to amuse. Hammerfell tales say the huge Dragons of ancient legend were all turned into these tiny flame-puffing hoppers.

Kindlespit Dragon Frogs are available from the Crown Store. It occasionally breathes fire. Its default name is "Heartburn".

Loyal Dwarven Sphere

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A pet Loyal Dwarven Sphere
A Dwarven Sphere of the long-lost Dwemer.

The Loyal Dwarven Sphere is a pet that was given as a loyalty reward for six months paid subscription. It alternates between following the player in its sphere form and in its upright form, and when the player crouches, it rolls up into its sphere form. Its default name is "Gyro".

Markarth Bear-Dog

Fierce and courageous fighters, the hunters of Eastern Skyrim use small packs of these dogs to pursue bears. The bear-dogs track, corner, and harry the bears until the hunters can arrive with their spears.

Markarth Bear-Dogs are available from the Crown Store. When the player crouches, its tail goes down and it lowers its head slightly. Its default name is "Furball".

Necrotic Hoarvor

A pet Necrotic Hoarvor
Your new best friend is a giant blood-sucking insect bloated with pustulant, lethal contagion! It's bursting with both infection and affection—for you!

A Necrotic Hoarvor pet can be earned by completing the Imperial City Challenger Veteran Dungeon achievement as part of the Imperial City DLC. Its default name is "Pustule".

Nibenay Mudcrab

A frisky little crustacean pal, at home in the water or out of it.

Nibenay Mudcrab pets are given to players with the Imperial Edition of the game. Its default name is "Scissors". The item was originally called "Pet Nibenay Mudcrab".

Pony Guar

A favorite household pet in Morrowind, the Pony Guar is a glutton for affection.

Pony Guar pets come with the purchase of the official guar plush toy (redeemable only on PC/Mac). Its default name is "Coconut". The item was originally called "Pet Pony Guar".

Psijic Domino Pig

Originally bred on the Isle of Artaeum, the black-and-white Domino Pig is so smart it can count to five and learn to recognize its name.

Psijic Domino Pigs are available from the Crown Store. Its default name is "Darlin'".

Razak's Opus

A loyal steam-powered Dwarven Spider, fueled by magicka from a soul gem that will last for eras.

Razak's Opus is a pet Dwarven Spider that can be obtained for completing The Mystery of Razak, a quest that takes place in the Razak's Wheel public dungeon in Bangkorai. Its default name is "Cogbucket". The item was originally called "Razak's Toy Spider".

Rufous Mudcrab

A perky crab buddy whose rust-colored shell covers a cheerful, inquisitive demeanor.

Rufous Mudcrab pets come with the purchase of the official mudcrab plush toy (redeemable only on PC/Mac). They were originally accidentally given to several players who ordered the Imperial Edition of the game, along with the Pet Nibenay Mudcrab. Its default name is "Crabcakes". They were seemingly intended to be a cash purchase from the Store. The item was originally called "Pet Rufous Mudcrab".

Sanguine's Black Goat

It's just a goat. Isn't it? But why does it look at you like that? Did it just … whisper? No. It's just a goat!

Sanguine's Black Goat is a black and white goat available from the Crown Store. Its eyes will occasionally glow red. Its default name is "Whisper".

Senche-Lion Cub

If you domesticate a Senche-Lion Cub when it's young enough, it will follow you everywhere, no matter how dangerous. And your enemies will burn from the cuteness.

Senche-Lion Cubs appeared on the PTS, and will eventually be available from the Crown Store as a limited-time offer. Its default name is "Kitty Claws".

Shornhelm Shepherd

This hardy dog was bred for herding sheep in the rugged terrain of Rivenspire.

Shornhelm Shepherds are black-colored dog pets available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Hackles".

Snow Bear Cub

The Snow Bear is known for its fierceness, but its cub is as cute as a bug. Maybe even two bugs.

Snow Bear Cub pets were previously available from the Crown Store for 1,000  . Its default name is "Sugarfur".

Stonefire Scamp

This gibbering, foul-smelling Daedric minion will follow you loyally, though it won't fight for you.

A Stonefire Scamp pet can potentially be earned by completing the Barathrum Centrata event in the Imperial Sewers, as part of the Imperial City DLC. It is a very rare drop of the event's final boss, the Simulacrum of Molag Bal. Its default name is "Brimstone".

Striated Pony Guar

A favorite household pet in Morrowind, the Striated Pony Guar is a glutton for affection.

Striated Pony Guar were originally available from the Crown Store for 400  . Its default name is "Wobble".

Striped Senche-Panther

The elegant senche-panther is a distant relative of the Khajiit, though it cannot speak like the cat-folk.

Striped Senche-Panthers are black Senche with purple stripes and red eyes. They are available from the Crown Store for 700  . Its default name is "Indigo".

Vermilion Scuttler

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A pet Vermilion Scuttler
A reptilian pal from Morrowind, where they're known for quickness, devotion, and a mildly offensive odor.

Vermilion Scuttler pets were given to players with the Explorer's Pack pre-order bonus. Its default name is "Warty". The item was originally called "Pet Scuttler".

Whiterun Wolfhound

The hunting dog of the Nords of Skyrim, known to face down sabre cats for their masters.

The Whiterun Wolfhound is a gray wolfhound dog that was given to players who ordered the Imperial Edition on Steam before July 21st, 2014. It also comes with the purchase of the official Elder Scrolls Online Nord figurine from Symbiote Studios (redeemable only on PC/Mac; not to be confused with the Pop! Vinyl Nord figurine). Its default name is "Horker".

Windhelm Wolfhound

Descended from royal hunting dogs, Windhelm Wolfhounds are known as steadfast companions.

The Windhelm Wolfhound is a brown wolfhound dog that is available from the Crown Store for 400  , or as part of the various Starter Pack bundles that have been released. Its default name is "Wurfles". The pet was originally announced as the "Riften Wolfhound" following player feedback after the release of the Whiterun Wolfhound on Steam.