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(RefID: )
Added by Knights of the Nine
Location Shrine of Kynareth
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 15 Class Priest
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) CreatureFaction
Stanet at the Shrine of Kynareth

Stanet is a Redguard priest added by the Knights of the Nine official plug-in. He can be found at the Shrine of Kynareth in the Great Forest, north of Haynote Cave.

Stanet spends his entire life wandering around the Shrine while enjoying Kynareth’s domain, nature itself, and occasionally exchanges rumors with his fellow worshippers, Avita Vesnia and Jesper. While Avita moves on to become a Knight living at Priory of the Nine, Stanet will stay near the Shrine indefinitely.

His clothing matches both his beliefs and the surroundings; a green robe and a pair of quilted shoes. With no need for anything but his faith, he carries absolutely nothing.

Before and during the early stages of the quest Nature's Fury, he will not speak about anything but rumors. However, once Avita has pointed you towards the Grove of Trials, Stanet will tell you a bit about the convenient location of the Altar of Kynareth; "Where better to meet and pray to Kynareth than in the midst of her beautiful creations?" When you return from the Grove with the Boots of the Crusader, he will comment: "I am glad to see you were successful. It shows you as a true believer in Kynareth."