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Oblivion:Dar Jee's House

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Dar Jee's House
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Dar Jee's House

Dar Jee's House is a home located in the eastern side of Leyawiin. The house is situated in between Weebam-Na's house and Otumeel's house.

The interior of the house

It is the residence of Thieves Guild fence Dar Jee and consists of one zone, Dar Jee's House.


Dar Jee

Related Quests

Dar Jee's House

The house resembles the typical, lower-class Leyawiin shack. Among the many containers that can hold clutter, a locked chest holding three bottles of skooma can be found next to some barrels. On the table in front of his bed are two pieces of corn, a bread loaf, and a copy of Manual of Arms. Another copy can be found on top of the set of drawers next to the bed. On top of the other table sit two bread loaves, an apple, and a cheese wedge. On the shelf next to the table, two copies of Brief History of the Empire, v 4, along with a single copy of the volumes one and three and the book Report: Disaster at Ionith.


  • The key to the house is carried by Dar Jee.