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Morrowind:Thieves Guild Quests

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Thieves Guild Quests

Sugar-Lips Habasi's Quests, Balmora Guild
Aengoth the Jeweler's Quests, Ald'ruhn Guild
Big Helende's Quests, Wolverine Hall Guild
Gentleman Jim Stacey's Quests, Vivec Guild
  • Hrundi's Lover: Persuade Hrundi in Sadrith Mora's Fighters Guild to join the Thieves Guild against the Camonna Tong.
  • The Brothers Ienith: Kill these top two enforcers in the Camonna Tong guild.
  • Kill Hard-Heart: Kill the corrupt Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec.
Gentleman Jim Stacey's Bal Molagmer Quests, Vivec Guild