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Morrowind:Sarys Ancestral Tomb

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Sarys Ancestral Tomb
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
Sarys Ancestral Tomb
Bitter Coast, [-5,-9]
Sarys Ancestral Tomb

Sarys Ancestral Tomb is a medium-sized tomb on an island off the Bitter Coast, west of Seyda Neen and south of the Odai Plateau.

There is a shrine of St. Veloth located in the tomb. The guardians consist of five undead. The loot includes a few potions, a copy of the Book of Rest and Endings, a few ingredients (including a portion of moon sugar) and a key to a locked chest.

Family Members

There are three known members of the Sarys family:


Map of Sarys Ancestral Tomb