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Morrowind:Orrent Geontene

< People / Spell Merchants
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Orrent Geontene (orrent geontene)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Location Guild of Mages
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 7 Class Nightblade Service
Spells Alteration SpellsDestruction SpellsIllusion SpellsMysticism Spells
Other Information
Health 58 Magicka 114
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice)
Orrent Geontene

Orrent Geontene is a Breton nightblade and an Apprentice of the Guild of Mages. Geontene is found in the entrance hall of the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild. He wears a common robe and amulet, wields a leveled shortsword (up to Dwarven quality), and carries 40 drakes.

If you ask him for the latest rumors he'll say: "Edwinna often complains about how the Archmage of Vvardenfell, Trebonius, doesn't really care about scholarship."


Orrent teaches the following spells:

Spell Name Cost Effects
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
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