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Morrowind:Fort Firemoth

< Places: Cities & Towns / Forts(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Firemoth Region)
Siege at Firemoth
PeopleTravelNotesMapsQuestsAround Fort Firemoth
Fort Firemoth
(view on map)
Alignment: Imperial
Region: Bitter Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

  • (none)
Your ferry is ready
The fort and its undead guardians

Fort Firemoth is an abandoned Imperial Legion fort situated on a circular formation of islands west of Seyda Neen and south of Hla Oad. It only appears with the Siege at Firemoth add-on.

The area around the fort mostly comprises bare volcanic rock, although there is a decent number of Trama Root and Marshmerrow plants along the coastline. The biggest obstacle in getting to the fort is the islands' inhabitants: over 50 skeletons of various types guard the archipelago.

The fort itself has been ransacked, but a few valuable items remain. The Guard Quarters has several hundred gold in sacks, several potions for restoring health and fatigue, and an array of Imperial equipment. The lower levels (the Mine, Lower Caverns and Upper Caverns) have veins of raw ebony and a few loose samples. The final area, the Tomb, houses Grurn, a powerful undead who must be killed to complete the Ward of Akavir quest.

Getting There & Around

As long as the related quest is active, there is a transport run by Silm-Dar operating between Seyda Neen and the island. At other times, you will need to cross the sea on your own: a Water Walking or Swift Swim spell may help.

Places of Interest around Fort Firemoth

The fort and its defenses are the only structures on the island. The nearest locations are Sarys Ancestral Tomb and Aharunartus, which can be found on a small island to the northeast.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
J'Hanir Male&M Khajiit Archer 10 140 72 0 30 Mine

Related Quests


  • A door from the Lower Caverns to the outside offers a more direct way of extracting raw ebony from the lower sections of the fort.
  • The archipelago and fort are technically in their own region named "Firemoth Region" rather than in the Bitter Coast. The weather in the region is set to be thunder 100% of the time.
