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Shivering:Puddlejump Camp

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{{cleanup-oprp|Needs in-game verification. See [[UESPWiki:Oblivion Places Redesign Project#In-Game Verification|the OPRP project page]] for explanation of what needs to be to complete the verification process.
{{Place Summary
|occupants=2 [[Shivering:Zealot|Zealots]] or [[Shivering:Flesh Atronach|Flesh Atronachs]]
|location=Southeast of [[Shivering:Split|Split]], southwest of [[Shivering:Knifepoint Hollow|Knifepoint Hollow]]
|imgdesc=Puddlejump Camp
|description=A [[Shivering:Campsites|campsite]] north of [[Shivering:Hill of Suicides|the Hill of Suicides]] containing [[Shivering:Zealot|Zealots]].

The camp lies east of the unnamed path connecting [[Shivering:Overlook_Road|Overlook Road]] and [[Shivering:The Low Road|the Low Road]], northeast of the Hill of Suicides. It is made up of three platforms, but only two are standing. The third is slightly east of the others, partially submerged in a lake and surrounded by overgrowing fungus trees, while the two standing platforms are connected by decking.

The first platform is a guarded by a leveled [[Shivering:Zealot|Zealot]] or [[Shivering:Flesh Atronach|Flesh Atronach]] and contains a minor loot chest, a table with three [[Oblivion:Beer|beer]] bottles and an open barrel with four [[Shivering:Fungus Stalk|Fungus Stalk]] samples. The second is similarly guarded and contains two bedrolls and a minor loot chest.

There is also an [[Shivering:Obelisk of Order|Obelisk of Order]] just slightly to the west of the campsite.

* 2 leveled [[Shivering:Zealot|Zealots]] (50% chance each of a [[Shivering:Flesh Atronach|Flesh Atronach]] after level 9)


* 2 bedrolls
* 2 chests (minor)
* 4 [[Shivering:Fungus Stalk|Fungus Stalk]] samples
* 3 [[Oblivion:Beer|beer]] bottles


* 1 [[Shivering:Mushroom Tree Sapling|Mushroom Tree Sapling]] plant
* 2 [[Shivering:Letifer Orca Planta|Letifer Orca Planta]] plants
* 3 [[Shivering:Water Root Pod|Water Root Pod]] plants
* 1 [[Shivering:Blister Pod|Blister Pod]] plant
Blockers, cartographer, Patrulhadores
15 603