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< Items(Redirecionado de Dragonborn:Telvanni Robes)
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This article lists all of the standard clothing and jewelry added by the Dragonborn expansion.


Name (ID) Type Weight Value Notes
  Black Robes
Robes 1 5
Shoes 1 4
  Child's Clothes
Clothes 1 4
  • These are worn by Aeta.
48px Cultist Boots
Shoes 1 25
48px Cultist Robes
Robes 1 331
Dunmer Outfit
Clothes 2 75
48px Dunmer Shoes
Shoes 2 25
  • The enchantment type for the shoes is incorrectly assigned to use body enchantments.
  Fine Boots
Shoes 1 25
  Fine Clothes
Robes 1 35
Shoes 0 2
  • These are worn by Aeta.
48px Telvanni Robes
Robes 2 75
48px Telvanni Shoes
Shoes 0 1073
48px Temple Priest Boots
Shoes 1 25
48px Temple Priest Hood
Hood 2 25
48px Temple Priest Robes
Robes 2 75


Name (ID) Type Weight Value Notes
48px East Empire Pendant
Necklace 0.5 25
  • Found in East Empire Company strongboxes throughout Solstheim. A list of all locations can be found here.
  • Can be sold to Fethis Alor for the repeatable quest Pain in the Necklace.
  • Unique jewelry is documented separately. A list can be found on this page.
  Este artigo relacionado a Dragonborn é um rascunho. Você pode ajudar expandindo-o.