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Bloodmoon:The Udyrfrykte

< Creatures: Special Creatures(Redirecionado de Bloodmoon:Udyrfrykte)
The Udyrfrykte (BM_udyrfrykte)
Location Lair of the Udyrfrykte
Species N/A Soul Grand (250)
Level 11 Type Special Creatures
  • 5-50 pts melee plus "weapon"
Other Information
Health 1000 Magicka 250
Alarm 0 Fight 90
The dreaded Udyrfrykte

The Udyrfrykte is a beast regarded by the inhabitants of Solstheim as nothing more than a story to scare children, yet little to their knowledge, the beast exists, and is a terrifying foe. To further add to its horrifying image, it uses a severed Nord leg as a weapon. It is a very fierce opponent, and may kill you easily if you are not careful.

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