Utilizador:PsijicOrder/Skyrim Roleplaying Ideas/Assassin
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Emperor's Private Assassin
This role is best played on the PC. You can try it on other systems, but it won't be as immersive. First off, make up a back story for yourself. Here is one example back story:
- When you were only ten years old, the Forsworn attacked your village. You were the sole survivor. The Forsworn capture you, to use you in one of their horrific rituals. They take you to their king, Madanach. As you walk down the tunnel, you pick the key to your shackles off of one of the guards. When you enter the room, Madanach sizes you up and decides that you would make an excellent sacrifice. Before the guards can grab you, you unlock the shackles and grab a dagger off of one of the guards. Madanach is impressed and decides to train you as one of their agents. They train you in captivity for 5 years.
One day, as Madanach is with most of his men on a raiding party, the Emperor rides by your camp with a group of Imperial soldiers. He frees you and you swear fealty to him. An enterprising man, he knew how useful you could be, so he took you in under his wing (unbeknownst to the public). Having already trained your mind and body for killing, all the Emperor had to do is point your in the right direction.
For this role you should focus on Light Armor, Sneak, One-handed, and Archery, and possibly Alchemy in order to brew potent poisons.
You don't have to do the main quest if you don't want to - it's entirely optional. You also don't necessarily have to side with the Empire in the Civil War, because you're loyal to the Emperor, not the Empire. Pretend that Grelod the Kind is wanted by the Empire and do the quest Innocence Lost, in which you kill her. When Astrid contacts you, kill her and then the rest of the Dark Brotherhood (see the quest Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!) and end their reign of terror. If you use the above backstory or one similar to it, then complete the quests The Forsworn Conspiracy and No One Escapes Cidhna Mine by killing Madanach.
To get your contracts, go to an isolated spot (preferably somewhere near Solitude) and summon the Emperor using the console codes prid 0004FA39
and moveto player
. One example contract would be to kill Ulfric Stormcloak (in order to kill him you have to use the console code setessential 0001B131 0
). Add your pay with the console code player.additem 0000000f <your pay>
, or alternately accept your pay in whatever you loot off of the target, or just don't accept pay.
Cleaned up by Jak Atackka and Ralothar
A spy, well, spies on people. Wear leather or Thieves' Guild armour, any race will do, however, due to night vision, Khajiit can be more fun to play as. Instead of breaking into people's houses and stealing stuff, watch them. Stalk them, finding out their routines. Once that has been done, wait until they leave the house. Break into their house and find incriminating evidence, a piece of paper. Wait until they go home and kill them. You could work for a Jarl, the Captain of the Guard, or a merchant.
Idea by POMC S117, Description by POMC S117
Make a human character, bald, clean cut. You wear fine clothes and boots. You carry a crossbow and dagger, but not equipped (keep them concealed). In order to get close to your mark you will kill one of their minions and equip their gear. If your mark is a Foresworn you will kill him using Foresworn weapons and armor. If your mark is a bandit chief you will likely be wearing iron or steel armor. Etc. You can keep your own ring and necklace equipped, but everything else must be looted gear. Muffle and Invisiblity will be important. You can bribe guards, but you will never surrender or pay off a bounty. Ideally you will kill any and all witnesses. When the mark is dead, switch back to your fine clothes and casually walk away like nothing happened. You will not marry or befriend anyone. Whenever possible you should kill the quest giver to eliminate loose ends. Early game focus on bounty quests, later join Dark Bros and swap your fine clothes for Emperors clothes.
A real ninja was used for espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, as well as open combat in certain situations. You would want to do your utmost best to find quests for these missions. Ninja's were also mercenaries and covert agents. They were much more than simple assassins. Like samurai, ninjas were part of clans, so make sure to have a hold that you're stationed out of. You're going to need a headmaster of your clan, this is your Jarl. Complete his tasks for your clans name, and sabotage enemy Holds. You can bring a follower with you to help with your missions, or go lone wolf. It would be best to wear light armor that is stealthy looking, such as the shrouded armor. Use daggers and bows as your primary weapons, katana's are also acceptable. Magic is not advised unless used for some sort of special ninja power. You could pretend your clan has a particular power such as driving the weak insane [Fury] or seeing life energy through walls [Detect Life]! Go on a mission and obtain the Ebony Blade, a katana that grows more powerful with every friend of yours you slay with it. Become the ultimate ninja, deceitfully becoming 'friends' with town folk then assassinating them to feed your blade. If you're on the brink of being captured, fight to the death or run, you cannot go to Jail.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder.
An immersive idea for a Khajiit would be one rich of their culture. Use a Khajiit name with a few apostrophes in it to make it seem authentic. A realistic example would be one that I chose. D'llarro, born of a noble clan was presented with opportunity and room to flourish, until a rival clan sacked his village and killed his clansmen. Escaping from the horrors of the onslaught he found his way to the capital of Elswyer where as a kitten, learned to live as a street urchin. Always stealing loot and money from the nobles to make ends meet. One day while picking the pocket of his next victim, D'llarro was abducted by a member of a skooma cartel. Observing his unique tactics the cartel took him in as one of their own, making him into a hitman. To kill all those that crossed their all-mighty organization. He rose through the ranks over the years. Gaining a position to where his opinion gave insight to a matter and was respected. However, one night after a massive export of product out of the province, Aldmeri Dominion soldiers stormed the compound, killing those who stood their ground yet D'llarro was clever and sought out escape yet again. Using stealth and his great ability to kill, he made it out with only a few wounds that would heal in time but scar his face. He eventually made his way to Skyrim with the idea that the Thalmor and their anti-skooma cells would not think to look for a sun basking, drug lord, Khajiit in the far icy reaches of the province. He made few friends, if any, and looked for any way to undermine the elves for their treachery.
Article by Reed13
Dark Brotherhood Agent
As a Dark Brotherhood Agent, your sole duty is to serve Sithis and the Night Mother. You'll need to gain entrance to the guild first. Once you're sworn in, complete all of the available quests and obtain the position of Listener. Whilst completing your assassinations, you'll need to be discreet and stealthy. Make them look like accidents by placing the body near a shelf and placing heavy objects all around. Slip poison in your target's pocket, slowly killing them. Take the time to actually study your target, don't walk around in broad daylight in shrouded armor, wear normal clothes, maybe even befriend your target! When you're ready to do the job, get your armor on, anyone who sees you must be killed. If you actually WANT it to be known that the Dark Brotherhood was the reason for your target's death, leave something as a sign such as a hawk feather or an elven arrow. When you're finally Listener, keep completing the radiant quests for profit and continue to bring honor to Sithis and the Night Mother.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder.
Work by Right-Hand-Of-Sithis Contains spoilers!
You have a dark backstory. You may not have ever known your parents. You may have killed them. You may have been adopted by the brotherhood from a young age, and trained in the arts of murder. You may have been a member of the Brotherhood before the troubles started, and when they got out of hand, you may have fled. You may have fled from Astrid for her disrespect of the Tenets, but have come back to her. You may have survived the Bruma or Wayrest sanctuaries, been on a contract at the time they fell. You may have been a silencer, and did not live in a sanctuary.
You may be a vampire, who was recently found by the Brotherhood, or found hundreds of years ago, or turned hundreds of years ago by a member of the Brotherhood.
Regardless, you have ended up in Skyrim. You were resting outside Darkwater Crossing, when you were caught in an Imperial Ambush. The Imperials didn't care about what you said, they sent you to Helgen to be executed. The game now begins.
After making it out of Helgen, you flee from whoever escorted you out. You take to traveling. Acting as a hired blade where you can (possibly worshiping Sithis still). Eventually, you hear about a boy attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood in Windhelm. Curious, you travel there to meet his lad (either because of your past association with the Brotherhood, or because you see a business opportunity). You do as he asks and murder Grelod the Kind.
You are later contacted by a courier, who hands you a note. That night, you are abducted by Astrid. She commands you to kill one of the people with a contract on their head. Seeing the chance to (re)join the Brotherhood, you kill them all.
You are now a member of the Brotherhood. What better time to join. Astrid has forsaken the tenets (Blasphemer!), Cicero is arriving with the Night Mother (and with brotherhood tradition), and you end up being named Listener. All you can do is complete your contracts to the letter. Try to be stealthy where possible.
Cicero is a delicate matter. He eventually attacks Astrid, and she orders you to kill him. This is a test of were your loyalties lie. You may be devoted to Astrid, butcher him like a pig (Strangle him with his own intestines). You may have an undying loyalty to the Night Mother and Sithis. How you wish you could have been there when he attacked, you would have finished the job. Spare him.
At any rate, you advance in the questline. You are bestowed the Honor of restoring the Brotherhood to greatness. When you are given the chance to slay the real Emperor, revel in it. Meet Maro on the docks. Slice his throat and whisper in his ear. Leave his body for the slaughterfish. Now the ultimate prize. The Emperor. Veteran of the Great War. Sneak aboard his ship, and give him a knife in the back. Hail Sithis! Bathe in his Blood!
But your job is not yet over. Meet with Nazir. He will show you how to restore the Dawnstar Sanctuary. And thus take the first few steps to restoring the Brotherhood to glory. Reinstate the tenets and spread blood all over Skyrim, so that later, you may bring the Brotherhood all over Tamriel.
As a Sniper you'll be assassinating targets from far away. The bow is the only weapon you're truly efficient with, so make sure to unlock perks for Archery as soon as you can. You are never seen when you do your assassinations, always far off hiding in a nook somewhere far away. If you're looking to use your skills for profit, join the Dark Brotherhood. Become the most renowned for what you do. Wear Armor that is camouflage with the environment and enchanted efficiently with sneak/muffle/bow damage/etc. Take time to practice on targets, train with Angi at her cabin! Alchemy is also an important skill for your character. Make poisons and enchant your bow to increase your damage, you'll want to kill your targets in one hit. If you're sniping in a more urban environment use rooftops, towers, and nooks to your advantage.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder.
backstories: u were a student to an archer that lives at the far end of riften up the mountains his name was ecaton and he was a wood elf. u trained there for years but once he told u to test you're abilities in the wild you stumble into imperials and without warning were captured :details: you are a stormcloak you focus on speech 1 handed sneak and light armor (alchemy) kill targets outta sight + within range
Morag Tong
You must be a Dunmer for this character. Unlike most assassin types, you should not be part of the Dark Brotherhood for this character, because you assassinate for Mephala. If you have trouble making up your own assassinations, you can be part of the Dark Brotherhood, and imagine it is the Morag Tong headquarters or imagine yourself as an infiltrator seeking to actually destroy the Dark Brotherhood. Thieves Guild quests are also a decent choice, you can get good sneak armor that isn't associated with the Dark Brotherhood, or simply make your own. You could pretend the Thieves Guild is actually Skyrim's Morag Tong, and compete with the Dark Brotherhood. You might dedicate yourself to locating and destroying the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. Morag Tong armor and assassins can be found on Solstheim. see Dragonborn
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder.
Shadowscales are Argonians born under the sign of the Shadow. After escaping Helgen, lead your Argonian on an Adventure to find the Shadow Stone and adopt it as your sign. Once you're a true Shadowscale join the Dark Brotherhood, honing your assassination and stealth skills. Depending on how you play the game, you may end up being the last Shadowscale in all of Tamriel. Maybe decide to bring back the organization once you've become Listener and 'recruit' fellow Argonians, training them in the art of Murder. Kill all for Sithis and the Night Mother, leading the Dark Brotherhood to greatness as possibly the last Shadowscale ever. Don't like the Dark Brotherhood? Make your own organization based out of your favorite Hold and possibly infiltrate the Dark Brotherhood with the intent on killing them all.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder.
Agent of Vengeance
As an agent of vengeance you accept contracts from people to place their foe in eternal torment. But in exchange you also must send the contractors soul into eternal punishment as well. Kill them and soul trap their soul, enchant a steel sword or lighter colored weapon if they are pure and a daedric or ancient Nord weapon if they were evil. Never kill more than one person if unnecessary, you are not doing this for thrill or money you are a tool of the gods. For this roleplay skills to consider are: sneak, enchanting, conjuration(enough to cast soultrap) and one handed(any weapon really). You should wear dark armor, nightingale and shrouded armor are perfect for this. You shouldn't really be married as you only have one purpose, unless your spouse shares your fate.
Idea and Description by Hissien.
A wetboy is a master killer who uses magicka. A wetboy to an assassin is like a lion to a kitten. Assassins have targets, wetboys have deaders. Because once a wetboy accepts a contract, that person's days are numbered. To be a wetboy you will need to be a master of illusion to muffle your steps and go invisible. You should also be a master alchemist so that you can brew the most efficient poisons to get your deader. You will need to be a master of stealth, lockpicking and of every kind of weapon so that you are always ready to kill your deader, this includes unarmed just in case you find yourself with no weapons. You will want to accept contracts from rich people because your services are not cheap. You will need a number of disguises as well as personas throughout Skyrim so you can be hidden in plain view. You should also have as many safe houses as you can so that you can prepare to kill your deader. You can go either way with the Dark brotherhood, either wipe them out or join them to take them over and convert them to wetboys.
Idea by TheMrDane Description by TheMrDane Inspired by Brent Weeks's night angel trilogy
Blade Dancer
A Blade Dancer is a fighter who exclusively dual wields. A Blade Dancer can be a skilled assassin who chops up targets into little bits then feeds it to his dog heartlessly. Blade Dancers are highly trained in one-handed sneak and light armour and are best using dragonscale or dark brotherhood armour. no race is required for this role but Kahjiit would be favorable early on. A blade dancer is best with daggers (un-modded recommendations are the Blade of Woe and Mehrunes' Razor due to high damage and roughly 3-5% instant kill) but any one handed weapon can be used as they see fit. (NOTE: if anyone strongly feels this should be a warrior role please cut and edit this post to the warrior page)
Idea by --Chaincat 06:42, 1 April 2012 (UTC) Description by --Chaincat 06:42, 1 April 2012 (UTC)
Death Lord
A Death Lord is a master assassin, who has lesser assassins, to perform assassinations. Live in seclusion, perhaps a Bandit Camp, and barely ever go into a town/city, and if you do, wear hooded robes. Black ones are preferred. Never do a quest for someone, unless all of your followers are dead. If a follower doesn't listen to you, kill them in seclusion, with no witnesses. If you have other followers with you, tell them to wait somewhere they can’t see anything. Also, I recommend you wear Daedric armor, or Ebony Armor. You can be any race, but I prefer a Dark Elf or Breton. Also, you do not have to join the Dark Brotherhood, or Thieves Guild. You are supposed to be a loner, besides your followers. Never get married.
Primary Skills: Sneak Lockpicking Light/Heavy Armor (your choice) One handed Destruction (optional) Illusion (optional) Alteration (optional) Alchemy (preferred) Archery (optional)
You were accused of being a man with the soul of Sithis. You bring death on everyone, you are death.
Upon accusation, you were taken to Skyrim, to be executed in the nearest public place. They might have been trying to execute you, but don't forget, you are death. After leaving Helgen with Ralof (only to back-stab his family), you join the Dark Brotherhood, and try to convince them that you are Sithis, but they refuse to believe you.
However, rather than joining them, you can tell Astrid that you are Sithis, and she won't believe you. You can kill her at this part, and destroy the whole Dark Brotherhood for following her.
You can join the war as well, preferably to bring the deaths of many people who are due, you can also commit friendly fire on allies who you don't think are worthy of life.
This is a list of contracts just for fun.
Regicide of the Fallen (By Right-Hand-Of-Sithis)
Target: Madanach
Client: Thonar Silver Blood, Eltrys
Reward: Whatever Eltrys is able to pay you for investigating. Silver-Blood Ring.
Details: Within Cidhna mine are the remnants of the original forsworn. The Night Mother tells you to speak with Eltyrs, living in Markarth. This will initiate The Forsworn Conspiracy. When you notice that Thonar needs Madanach dead as well, you offer to do so. When he has you thrown in prison, you see your chance. Either try to get close to Madanach, and plunge a shiv in his back, or just give him a pickaxe to the face. Either way, kill him and take his key and note. Then flee and be met by Thonar, who will pay you himself.
Payback's a Bitch (By Right-Hand-Of-Sithis)
Target: Thonar Silver-Blood
Client: The Forsworn (A smelter worker as a representative)
Reward: 500 gold (console or steal)
Prerequisite: Regicide of the Fallen
Details: After the assassination of Madanach, the forsworn demand retribution. Luckily, they do not know it was you who killed him. Dispatch him in any way you see fit.
Ethnic Cleansing (By Right-Hand-Of-Sithis)
Target: Ondolemar
Client: Thongvor Silver-Blood and/or anyone else in the reach (Who doesn't want him dead) or Ulfric Stormcloak (After the whole Markarth Incident, having him there is a real slap to the face)
Reward: 1500 Gold
Details: In Understone Keep lives a high ranking Thalmor Justiciar. He is guarded day and night. Eliminating him may prove challenging.
Idea By Right-Hand-Of-Sithis Written by Right-Hand-Of-Sithis
Random Murder (by Cyberius)
Target: Hunter, south-west of Riverwood, near river.
Client: Alvar
Reward: Whatever money the Hunter owns.
Details: Two days ago, when Alvar, the smith of Riverwood was grinding a sword, a hunter quickly stole his favorite pickaxe. You must kill the hunter and retrieve it. But, as it turns out, the hunter traded the pickaxe to sometime ago to a miner.
A Broken Heart (by Mr cowbell2)
Target: Faendal or Sven
Prerequisites: Love Triangle quest in Riverwood
Client: Faendal or Sven
Reward: 100 gold (console or steal)
Details: After resolving the love triangle conflict, Sven/Faendal (whichever you didn't side with) can't stand seeing Camilla with such an unworthy lover. So since you got them together, he claims he will forgive you and give you his week’s pay to see him dead. He doesn't want Camilla to witness it since he doesn't want her to be in too much shock so do it inside of their house or when Camilla is inside the Riverwood Trader. Do your best to make it look like an accident (put Faendal on the giant saw to make it look like he slipped, or in Svens case, put many bottles of Mead around his body to make it look like he overdosed). This should drop all suspicion of Sven/Faendal being behind it.
Stuck In A Bad Romance... (by spinx42530)
Prerequisites: (Optional) Carlotta Valentia's favor
Client: Carlotta Valentia
Reward: 400 gold (console or steal)
Details: Whether you did the prerequisite or not, Carlotta's problem with Mikael has gotten to a breaking point. Mikael needs to die. Try and make it look like an accident, too much ale, suicide (dagger to the head), or a lute accident. Make sure there is no witness. If there is, tie up loose ends however you can. Send this nasty bard to Oblivion! After you completed your deed, go back to Carlotta and collect your reward.
Death of a Dealer (by Anonymous)
Client: Ysolda
Reward:Whatever is in Embershard Mine
Details: Ysloda wants the Khajiit dead. She caught him selling Skooma to a beggar who apparently had the septims for it. Do this, and she will direct you to a mine where you can take your profit from. Ysolda also wants it to look like an accident. Place a dagger next to him, or maybe a few bottles of Sleeping Tree Sap, to make it look like he overdosed, or was suicidal.
Ysolda's tip: Sneak! I don't mind if you use potions to make yourself invisible, or poisons to kill him faster! Just kill him, and run!
Death of the Fallen (by Cyberius)
Target: Hern and Hert
Client: Lucan Valerius
Reward: Whatever the two have on them.
Details: Lucan discovered that Hert and Hern ordered his Golden Claw stolen. Kill them. Leave no traces of yourself behind.
Rebellion for Sithis (by Akatosh7)
Target: The Empire
Client: Ulfric Stormcloak
Reward: Skyrim shaped in the name of Sithis
Details: Ulfric has grown tired of the war and his seemingly unbeatable enemies. He has heard you were the one who killed Titus Mede II and he applauds your work. He has contacted the night mother and a war pact has been written, you are to aid the Stormcloaks and free Skyrim for the Empire and when the dust settles the Brotherhood's shadow and grasp will be cast over every hold and court in Skyrim.
Tips: Leaving Nightshade at each conquered fort will strike fear into the empire and remind Ulfric who he now serves.
Family Matters (By Akatosh7)
Target: Elgrim
Client: Maven Black-Briar
Reward: 3 Bottles of Black-Briar Preserve (steal from the meadery)
Details: Maven has had enough of her daughter's strange habits but still loves her. So in an effort to halt her training she has ordered the death of her daughter's mentor and she hopes that her daughter will forget alchemy.
Bonus: If Elgrim is killed through what looks like an alchemist's accident (pickpocketed poison or planted nightshade, nirnroot etc.) an extra 2 bottles of preserve will be added to your pay.
Also Maven will refuse to acknowledge this deal publicly in any way to prevent unnecessary problems.
Whiterun's New Merchants
Targets: Skulvar (Horse-selller), Hulda (Innkeeper)
Clients: Ysolda, Skulvar's Son
Prerequisites: Mammoth tusk for Ysolda, buy a horse (optional)
Rewards: Free room for the week (steal 10 septims from Ysolda, give them back). If I recall correctly, Skulvar's son will sometimes give you money depending on your factions.
Details: Two citizens in Whiterun have decided it's time they take over the business. They have asked you kill them discreetly as possible so no one gets in trouble with the law.
Bonus: Kill Hulda in front of Ysolda, Ysolda will take over the inn as Hulda's "dying words"-Extra 2 nights at the inn. Kill Skulvar while pretending to buy a horse in front of his son-Free Horse (Take at night)
Tip: Use poison, leave no evidence!
A Message Meant For The Greater
Client: Ulfric Stormcloak
Target: Farengar
Prerequisites: Kill your first dragon, Join the Stormcloaks
Reward: Farengar's stuff
Details: Ulfric wants a reason for Jarl Balgruff the Greater to accept to war, so he sends you with an axe to kill Farengar, leave a Stormcloak Curiass next to him (optional), and once the Jarl sees Farengar's corpse, give him the axe.
Bonus: If you do the optional detail you get to be promoted to Stormcloak Officer (Steal it off a Stormcloak or console command)
A Message Meant For The Greater(Imperial Side)
Client: General Tulius
Target: Farengar
Prerequisites: Kill your first dragon, Join the Imperials
Reward: Farengar's Stuff
Details: Tulius wants Jarl Balgruff the Greater to go to war against the Stormcloaks, so as motivation he sent you to kill Farengar and blame it on the Stormcloaks. (Optional: Leave a Stormcloak Curiass next to him.)
Bonus: If you do the optional detail you get promoted to Imperial Officer (Find the armor or console command)
Headline text
Good Assassin
You RP as a good assassin much like one in Assassins Creed. First of all you should be kind to most everyone unless they give you a reason not to.
It is not a good idea to join the DB because they are a religious fanatical group who kill for profit and the glory of an evil god. If anything destroy them. You can however join the thieves and companions even the college because in Assassin's Creed the assassin order is friendly with thieves and mercenaries.
Initiation: For your initiation you should finish a great task maybe finish the civil war and gain at least level 15 to be a true assassin like when Ezio had to kill the betraying Templars who plotted against his family. For the civil war you should join the Stormcloaks because the Imperials sound like Templars to me. Once you’re ready you should take a leap of faith at the Bard's Leap Summit.
Starting the Order: You should travel and gain many followers so there are assassins in every city like Faendal in Riverwood, the companions in Whiterun etc.
Equipment: You should wear enchanted hooded black robes and call them assassin robes or use light armor. Every follower should have assassin armor as well. Assassins should be masters of combat open or stealth. So you should be good at light armor, one handed, archery, alchemy and such. You should have an exclusive dagger JUST for poisons. Smithing is always a nice touch.
Tasks: You should clear a lot of dungeons to rid the world of evil. Train your recruits or followers. You should definitely finish the main quest to destroy Alduin. Assist the greybeards and refuse to kill Paarthurnax. Assassinate evil targets like bandit chiefs and Vampire masters not to mention important Imperials. Have fun!
By: Akatosh7
my set up: my personal character is an assassin i use duplicate nightingale blade nightingale armor and auriels bow.
Thalmor Assassin
The Thalmor have agents everywhere. Are you one of them? Maybe you've sworn allegiance to the Thalmor. Or maybe you don't want to help the Thalmor, but you have to. You should be a race that is under the control of the Thalmor. Khajiit assassins are often sent to kill enemies of the Thalmor. Ondolemar in Markarth may have ordered you to root out Talos worshippers in the city. Perhaps your latest assignment is to stalk and kill Stormcloak rebels, or perhaps just survey the war, reporting anything that happens to your superiors. Your superiors may give you free reign, but this does not allow you kill anyone you wish. You are a professional. You should know when to strike and when not to. Remember that you will not be pardoned if you are discovered filling out your orders. You may have been pardoned in Elsywer where the Thalmor rules as government but not in Skyrim. Skyrim is run by the Empire and, in the case of certain cities, the Stormcloaks. You are a normal civilian to them, meaning you will be punished for your crimes.
Remember to keep your identity a secret. Wear normal clothes.
Shadows are night assassins that are wanted in almost every city. To be a Shadow you may want to join the Dark Brotherhood so you can get their armor and hood to look more assassin-like. You should have a really good pickpocket and one/two-handed weapon skill. You act completely normal in the day time and may travel around the city, but at night you will kill everyone in sight and wreak havoc everywhere. You almost never go to jail because you'll either bribe the guards to let you go, escape, or you will kill them. You don't go to the cities at all during the night unless you plan on killing them. You live in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary or alone in the wilderness. As a Shadow you are very feared and you demand respect. If anyone dares to smart-mouth you, you kill them on the spot. If the Dark Brotherhood gives you a contract, you should kill the target immediately or you wait until night. At night you may pick locks and break in, killing everyone inside and stealing their things. If you want, take a Dark Brotherhood Initiate with you as a follower. You absolutely hate the Penitus Oculatus and you kill them on sight.
Bumping into people can prove to be dangerous it just takes a second to place a lethal poison into their pockets. Focus on training your sneak, alchemy, and pickpocket. Live as a well known serial killer throughout all the land. Take pride in the fact the guards saw the murder but can't catch you. Or live a double life strike at night and during the day be a simple alchemist just trying to make a living. Depending on your MO you may live in different areas. Perhaps Solitude due to the large population, or a smaller area like Winterhold.
Alternatively you could recreate the scene of the death of the Emperor's body double. Pretend to serve poisoned meals at inns and kill them later as if the meal they ate was a slow acting poison.
- Spoiler Ends*
V for Vendetta
You are a true Nord fighting for justice for your people, to play your part in freeing the land from the rule of the Empire and also to extract personal revenge for what happened at Helgen. You only use knives and bows and are a master at both arts while also perfecting stealth. You strike from the shadows and when your position has been revealed you can unleash your fury in a flurry of dual wielded daggers. Always wear a mask to hide your heavily disfigured face, from what the imperials did to you before your execution. While you want to free Skyrim for the good of the people but your burning personal hatred outweighs that and you will when travelling the roads unleash your fury on travelling Imperials even capable of taking down whole camps of imperials single handed. While you have support for the Stormcloaks you do not join the but become their spiritual leader. (Kill Ulfric using console if on PC), not actually telling them what to do but inspiring the rebellion that Ulfric took up the mantle for. You must never remove you mask preferably find a Dragon Priest one as early as possible, try to wear robes of the Nightingale armor. If you want you can add illusion because as we see in the movie he has power to convince people to do his bidding, such as making Evey forgive him after he tortured her and all of London to rebel, alternatively you could get a high speech skill and change peoples mind through that.
By: DeKrypt