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Dio 225

Juntou-se a 25 de fevereiro de 2007

My name is Dante. I'm just a grade 11 student in Ontario, Canada. My claim to fame is Ping Pong, for I am the current champion of the Golden Paddle Tournament. I also play basketball, tennis, piano and drums. I also run cross country and ski downhill.

From a video game standpoint, I jumped right from my trusty N64 to the 360, which was quite a shock. I picked up Oblivion just because it got 9.6 on Gamespot. I was amazed at the quality of the game and have been playing it for about 10 months now. Thanks to Oblivion, I am no longer satisfied with non-roleplaying games. I only buy roleplaying games now (except for Halo 3 or other high-rated games). I bought NBA 2K7 when it came out, since I loved NBA 2K6 (before i got Oblivion), but I've played 2K7 about 3 times in 5 months...

I cannot wait for Mass Effect! It's the only reason why I'm glad I have an Xbox 360! I'm a regular on the forums there and have been anxiously awaiting it's release now for about 9 months! I believe that it will be a much greater game than Oblivion, but that's just me! Assassin's Creed and Star Wars:Force Unleashed also look like amazing games.

I have played a bit of Morrowind on PC, but, since I played it AFTER Oblivion, I wasn't very impressed. I can understand how Morrowind would be a great game for it's time, but I'm just WAY to used to voice acting to play a game with limited voice acting.

User-userbox-Oblivion.png Este usuário tem conhecimento sobre Oblivion.
45x45px This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.