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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/IPCT

< File Formats: Mod File Format

IPCT records contain the data for impacts.

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor ID
- MODL model zstring Path to .nif
- MODT model textures MODT series of 12-byte structs
+ DATA data struct
float Effect Duration
uint32 flags?
float Angle Treshold
float Placement Radius
uint32 Sound Level
0x00000000 - Loud
0x00000001 - Normal
0x00000002 - Silent
0x00000003 - Very Loud
uint32 ???
- DODT decal data struct
float Min Width
float Max Width
float Min Height
float Max Height
float Depth
float Shininess
float Parallax - Scale
uint8 Parallax - Passes
uint8[3] unknown
rgb Color
- DNAM Texture Set formID Texture Set form ID (TXST).
- ENAM Secondary Texture Set formID Texture Set form ID (TXST).
- SNAM Impact Sound 1 formID Sound Descriptor form ID (SNDR).
- NAM1 Impact Sound 2 formID Sound Descriptor form ID (SNDR).
- NAM2 Effect Hazard formID Hazard form ID (HAZD).