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< Quests: Thieves Guild
Crown Store
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ON-qico-Guild.png 'Encourage' law-abiding citizens to mind their own business.
Faction: Thieves Guild
Quest Giver: Tip Board
Prerequisite Quest: The Cutpurse's Craft
Reward: Small Laundered Shipment (for completing 2 zones)
Large Laundered Shipment, Counterfeit Pardon Edict (for completing 3 zones)
302 Gold
5 Predefinição:ESO Reputation
+5 Predefinição:ESO Reputation for completing all three zones
XP Gain: Standard
Repeatable Repeatable: Immediately

Some law-abiding citizens have been meddling in the affairs of the Thieves Guild. The guild wants its pickpockets to teach the meddlers to mind their own business. I should look for ornaments, writings, or other oddities, but any treasures will do.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Read the Tip Board in the Thieves Den.
  2. Pickpocket a few personal effects, or a lot of any treasures, in the indicated zone.
  3. (Optional) Continue pickpocketing personal items or any treasures in a second zone.
  4. (Optional) Continue pickpocketing personal items or any treasures in a third zone.
  5. Return to Kari in the Thieves Den.

Detailed Walkthrough

Read the Tip Board near Kari in the Thieves Den. A new message has been posted, announcing,

"Got some straitlaced types organizing watches, snitching to the guards, and otherwise making our lives difficult. We need to make a show of our displeasure. Maybe they'll hold their tongues when their own personal items start going missing.
We've noted areas where these busybodies are sticking their noses, but fleecing anybody there should send a message.
Finders keepers, all the Guild cares about is locals learning when to turn a blind eye."

Your task is to pickpocket items in the assigned areas - either items from private citizens, or any other types of items. Additionally, you are given the option to complete pickpocketing in two more areas, each of which will give a better reward. Once you are done with the pickpocketing, head back to Kari in Thieves Den. She will reward you according to how many zones you have completed.


  • The zones vary, but are always within the same alliance territory and the order always follows the zone difficulty, starting from the easiest. For example Grahtwood -> Greenshade -> Malabal Tor, or Auridon -> Grahtwood -> Greenshade.

Quest Stages

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Under Our Thumb}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=The guild gave me leads on where I can find the private citizens I should steal from, but aren't particular about who I target and the goods I take are mine to keep.

Complete one: Pickpocket Personal Effects in <area>: 0/3 or Pickpocket Any Treasures in <area>: 0/10
Objective Hint: Pickpocket Private Citizens


Complete one: Pickpocket Personal Effects in <area>: 0/3 or Pickpocket Any Treasures in <area>: 0/10 or Head Back to the Thieves Den for a Small Reward
Objective Hint: Pickpocket Private Citizens


Complete one: Pickpocket Personal Effects in <area>: 0/3 or Pickpocket Any Treasures in <area>: 0/10 or Head Back to the Thieves Den for a Moderate Reward
Objective Hint: Pickpocket Private Citizens

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=fin|2=I swiped goods from a number of private citizens to teach them a lesson about messing with the guild. Kari will want to hear about my success.

Objective: Talk to Kari in the Thieves Den


Finishes Quest Journal Entry