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The Earth Forge
Fighters Guild
Level (?)
Visited The Prismatic Core
Accessible Will of the Council
Quest Chain
Fighters Guild
North of Hammerfell
The Dwarves tapped the heat at the heart of Nirn for many purposes. They used steam to warm their subterranean cities and to motivate their devices. To forge their superb metals, they needed such intense heat that it could only come from molten lava.
The Earth Forge

The Earth Forge is a secret Dwemer ruin in the mountains which is maintained by the Fighters Guild.

The heart of the Earth Forge
Pressure Room III

The forge becomes fully accessible after completing the Fighters Guild quest line, and is home to two special crafting sites. A small wayshrine can be found in the exterior area.

The ruin consists of two zones, the Earth Forge and Pressure Room III. The crafting site for making Kagrenac's Hope set pieces can be found in the heart of the Forge, where the Prismatic Core was forged. The Orgnum's Scales set can be crafted in the Pressure Room III. A note, From Jofnir to Merric lies on the ground near the crafting site.

Related Quests




  • The wayshrine only appears on the world map while you're at the Earth Forge. ?


A map of the Earth Forge
A map of Pressure Room III
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