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Online:Ritual of Mara

(Redirecionado de Online:Shrine to Mara)
Crown Store

The Ritual of Mara can be performed at any Shrine to Mara. It requires the Pledge of Mara, a Crown Store item that can also be obtained by purchasing the Imperial Edition. The pledge must be quickslotted to activate, and will send your partner a notification to begin the ritual. Should they accept, both of you will receive a Ring of Mara, which results in an experience bonus when you group together.

Players who copied their account to console after using a Pledge of Mara on PC were allowed to keep their rings, but the experience bonus will only work on console if their partners also purchased an account copy.

Shrine to Mara

A Shrine to Mara

Shrines to Mara can be found in major settlements in the first and second zones of each alliance. Activating one will bring up the following text (saved in your collection as Shrine of Mara):

"At this altar to the Goddess of Love you can use a Ring of Mara to espouse your beloved."

Shrines can be found in the following places:

Aldmeri Dominion

Daggerfall Covenant

Ebonheart Pact