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Online:Lakeside Experiments

< Places: The Rift / Apothecaries / Chironasia(Redirecionado de Online:Scent of Serenity)
Lakeside Experiments
(view on map)
Ebonheart Pact
The Rift
Crafting Stations
ON-icon-Alchemist.png Alchemy Stations 1
ON-icon-Enchanter.png Enchanting Tables 1
ON-icon-Dye Station.png Dye Stations 1
Scent of Serenity

Lakeside Experiments is a chironasium, apothecary and dye station in Riften. It is located in the western part of the city, near the docks. Scent of Serenity is an apothecary which contains dye and alchemy stations. The enchanter's stall, Riften Arcane Studies, where an enchanting table can be found, is set up in a tent outside. All storage containers in the shop and all items in the tent, including a safebox, are owned.

Riften Arcane Studies

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