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Online:Research Notes

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Research Notes is a collection of 94 books, letters and notes that make up the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
A Nagging Question
Musing on the whereabouts of Ayleids who constructed Root Sunder
Aberrant Welkynd Stones
Observations on the properties of Welkynd Stones
Adainaz's Journal
Adainaz A journal documenting the discovery of the fabled "Great Engine of the Dwemer"
Alchemist Nilyne's Notes
Nilyne Hlor An alchemist recalling the recipe for a potion
An Affair with Death
Mirise Dres A necromancer tells of their first encounter with death
Badly Damaged Journal
Bone Orchard Research Log 1
Ethruin A researcher's journal documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough
Bone Orchard Research Log 2
Ethruin A researcher's journal documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough
Bone Orchard Research Log 3
Ethruin A researcher's journal documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough
Bone Orchard Research Log 4
Ethruin A researcher's journal documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough
Bone Orchard Research Log 5
Ethruin A researcher's journal documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough
Carina's Journal
Major Carina
Catacombs of Cath Bedraud
Victor Croquel A history on the cemetery at Cath Bedraud
Chronicles of Nchuleft
An Anonymous Altmer A historical chronicle of events in the Dwemer Freehold Colony of Nchuleft
Closing the Octal Cage
Notes on the Octal Cage and preventing the Planemeld
Curative Batch Six
Nostrum Breva Research notes on batch six of the Llodos plague curative
Curative Batch Fifteen
Nostrum Breva Research notes on batch fifteen of the Llodos plague curative
Curative Batch Nineteen
Nostrum Breva Research notes on batch nineteen of the Llodos plague curative
Delver Notes
Raynor Vanos A fragment of a dungeon delver's journal
Dwarven Ruin Explorer's Journal
A fragment of a journal recounting an ill fated journey into a Dwemer ruin
Dwemer Maintenance Records
Notes on the Dwemer's rigorous record keeping

Santaki, on a table in the biggest room.

Ealcil's Journal
Ealcil's Notes, Page 1
Ealcil's Notes, Page 2
Ealcil's Notes, Page 3
Effects of the Elder Scrolls
Justinius Poluhnius A thesis on the four different types of readers of the Elder Scrolls
Experiment Journal
Necromatic research on the creation of ice-based thralls
Faded and Dusty Scroll
Notes on an Ayleid chest
Forbidden Research Notes
From Nirn to the Aether
Research notes on a wizard's attempt to reach the heavens
Graveyard Research Notes
A researcher's notes on the ruins of Variela and the ancient battle that took place
If You Can Read This, Open It
Telenger the Artificer A note regarding a plan of escape
Irrigation Research Journal
A record of a series of iterative experiments to grow crops
Jomund's Research Notes
Jomund Snowmead Experimental notes on an mysterious glowing ore
Journal of Bravam Lythandas
Bravam Lythandas The record of a wizard's experiments with illusions
Kireth's Journal, Page 3
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 7
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 10
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 12
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 14
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 16
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 19
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 22
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 24
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 25
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 29
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 30
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Journal, Page 33
Kireth Vanos A page from a dungeon delver's journal recording her journey through Mzulft
Kireth's Prism Notes
Kireth Vanos
Kireth's Taarengrav Note
Kireth Vanos Notes on the Dragon Priests and their relationship to the ancient Nords
Lady Edwyge's Notes
Lady Edwyge A journal recounting an ill fated attempt to bend time
Lauron's Journal
Lauron A researcher's journal documenting his experiments in controlling crocodiles
Hatiha A description of desert lizards
Merethrin's Research Notes
Merethrin A researcher's notes on his experiments to extend his life
My Kwama Journal
Mzulft Researcher's Journal
A researcher's journal surrounding a mysterious orb and its relationship to the Dwemer
Need More Animus Geodes
Felra A letter surrounding the fragility of Animus Geodes
Nilaendril's Notes
Nilata Search Plan
A list of items required from the ruins of Nilata
Notes on Klathzgar's Schematics
Pelorrah Research notes on Klathzgar's Animunculi
Notes on Razak
Notes on Razak's attempts to create a self-determining automaton
Notes on the Dreugh
A list of research notes surrounding the various species of Dreugh
Notes on the Order Skeevera
A journal recounting a researcher's attempt to document the taxonomic order Skeevera
Notes on the Vault Door
Notas encontradas na porta do cofre de Razak
Ravenwatch Research: Aesar Hatespinner
Ravenwatch Research: Veawend Ede
Count Verandis Ravenwatch
Raynor's Bthanual Notes
Raynor Vanos
Raynor's Journal: Bthanual
Raynor Vanos A journal entry about a discovery at Bthanual
Rurelion's Observation #1
Rurelion's Observation #2
Rurelion's Observation #3
Ruurifin's Journal, Entry 1
Researcher Ruurifin A criticism on the construction of Root Sunder
Ruuvitar's Journal
Ruuvitar Experimental notes on Hist sap
Scholar Garrique's Journal
Sirdor's Journal
Sirdor A researcher's notes on Root Sunder and how the Ayleids bound the spirit of the jungle to it
Tancano the Elder's Journal
Researcher Tancano Notes on the construction of Root Sunder
The Argonian Mating Ritual
Valrendil of the Crystal Tower, Research-Appointee to the Thalmor Research notes on Argonian mating habits
The Fall of Carac Dena
A search for an ancient Ayleid ruin
The Final Lesson, Part 1
Aegrothius Goth Two apprentices are separated
The Final Lesson, Part 2
Aegrothius Goth Two apprentices are separated
The Mysteries of Moravagarlis
History of mysterious Ayleid ruin
The Notebook of Mage Gadris
Gadris Notes and instructions on how to reverse a soul-meld
The Root Sunder Market
Notes on the marketplace of an Ayleid city
The Root Sunder Roots
Notes on the root system of an Ayleid city
The Spindleclutch Expedition
A Fighters Guild note surrounding the investigation of Spindleclutch caves
The Strange Case of Ja-Reet
The story of an Argonian born away from his people
The Witches of Hag Fen
Bonorion the Wanderer Observations on the hags in Glenumbra's Hag Fens, from the journals of Bonorion the Wanderer, 2E 567
Transmutation of Living Creatures
Research notes on pearl tinctures
Transmutation Potion Recipe
Research notes on creating a transmutation potion
Uricantar's Journal
Uricantar A journal surrounding the Mallari-Mora found in Ezduiin
Uryaamo's Journal
Researcher Uryaamo A journal entry noting the discovery of Root Sunder
Vardan's Diary
Vardan A journal recounting the discovery of the fabled library of King Renwic
Wasp Wrangling
Notes on an attempt to tame wasps
Zombies: Further Experiments
Research notes on creating autonomous zombies