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Online:Everyone Has A Price

< Quests: Thieves Guild
Crown Store
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ON-qico-Guild.png Walks-Softly wants to teach someone a lesson...
Faction: Thieves Guild
Quest Giver: A note from Walks-Softly
Location(s): Abah's Landing, Shark's Teeth Grotto
Previous Quest: Shell Game
Reward: Unidentified Bahraha's Curse Amulet
302 Gold
10 Predefinição:ESO Reputation
XP Gain: Standard

Walks-Softly wants some more of my help with the situation involving his old friend, Anais Velmont. The letter he left indicates he's come up with a solution that he wants to run by me.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Meet Walks-Softly near the docks.
  2. Observe the discussion and speak to Walks-Softly.
  3. Break into Velmont Mansion and place the forged letters.
  4. Return to the Thieves Den.
  5. Travel to Shark's Teeth Grotto.
  6. Meet Walks-Softly inside the grotto and decide how to proceed.
  7. Meet Walks-Softly back at the Thieves Den.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Everyone Has A Price}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I need to meet Walks-Softly in a warehouse near the docks to find out about the solution he's come up with for dealing with his old friend, Anais Velmont.

Objective: Meet Walks-Softly Near the Docks


Objective: Observe Walks-Softly's Plan

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=It appears that Walks-Softly has kidnapped Anais and asked for a ransom to be paid. I'm not sure how this teaches her the lesson that Walks-Softly keeps talking about. I should speak to him and find out what he's actually thinking.

Objective: Talk to Walks-Softly

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Walks-Softly wants to keep Anais's family from looking for her while he teaches her a lesson. He asked me to plant these letters he forged in the Velmont Mansion to explain her absence.

Objective: Plant the Travel Itinerary
Objective: Plant the Letter to Percy Velmont
Objective: Plant the Orders from Lady Anais

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Walks-Softly requested that I meet him back in the Thieves Den after I delivered the forged letters to the Velmont Mansion.

Objective: Return to the Thieves Den

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Walks-Softly left me another message. This one indicates that pirates have taken Anais Velmont captive and spirited her to Shark's Teeth Grotto. I should head to the grotto and help Walks-Softly rescue his old friend.

Objective: Rescue Anais Velmont from Shark's Teeth Grotto
Objective Hint: Get Past the Locked Door

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I arrived to find Walks-Softly talking with Anais Velmont. I should listen to their exchange.

Objective: Observe Walks-Softly's Discussion

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Walks-Softly located Anais in the pirate hide-out in Shark's Teeth Grotto. I should find out how he wants to proceed.

Objective: Talk to Walks-Softly

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=fin|2=I convinced Walks-Softly to leave Anais with the pirates to teach her a lesson. I should go back to the Thieves Den and meet up with Walks-Softly so that we can put this despicable business behind us.

Objective: Meet Walks-Softly at the Thieves Den


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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