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Oblivion:Biene Amelion's House

< Places: Homes
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Biene Amelion's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Water's Edge
Biene Amelion's House

Biene Amelion's House is a small home located in Water's Edge. It can be found at the northern edge of the town.

The house is the residence of Biene Amelion and consists of only one zone, Biene Amelion's House.


Biene Amelion

Related Quests


Biene Amelion's House

The house consists of a single large room. On the southeast wall near the door sits a chest of drawers which holds a burlap vest on top and a pair of huntsman moccasins on the floor next to it. In the north corner a pair of rough leather shoes sits on the floor near the table. In the middle of the northwest wall a barrel, chest, and crate are clustered together. A set of shelves in the west corner holds two pumpkins and three heads of lettuce, and another pumpkin is held inside the open-top barrel nearby next to the chest of drawers. A dish in front of the fireplace on the southwest wall holds six onions, and the table in the south corner holds an apple, a loaf of bread, and a cheese wedge. The cupboard holds food while the rest of the containers hold clutter; they all respawn.


  • There is no key to this location. Entering, however, is considered trespassing.