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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Adrieldan

< People / Trainers
Adrieldan (TR_m1_Adrieldan)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Firewatch Library, Lecture Hall
Race Altmer Gender Male
Level 30 Class Savant Service
Other Information
Health 178 Magicka 200

Adrieldan is an experienced Altmer savant, who currently gives a lecture about freedom and its philosophical aspects in the Firewatch Library. Since this is a relatively complex subject, it is not a surprise that Adrieldan is a learned mer. He is willing to share some of his knowledge with you, and is a major trainer in Mercantile, Speechcraft and Alchemy. He is currently the highest trainer in Mercantile and Alchemy on the mainland of Morrowind.