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Morrowind Mod:Enchanted Editor

< Modding

Enchanted Editor is a low level editor for Morrowind mod and save files. It is not a tool to create mods with, but rather a tool to examine, tweak and fix mods and save games in a low level way.

Mod Editing

  • Open multiple mods and save files at once.
  • Edit records, subrecords and subrecord fields.
  • Convert files between different types (esp, esm, ess).


  • While part of the data file interpretation is hard coded into Enchanted Editor, most of it is handled by the ESTemplate.ini file which can easily be corrected and extended. Thus even though the main program is no longer updated, file comprehension has continued to improve over time.
    • The Wrye Mash distribution includes an updated ESTemplate in the mopy\Extras folder.


  1. See FOGSYNC under tes3lint Usage.
  2. There have been a few reports of errors arising after using EE on a file. These may be due to a problem with understanding references in save games, or there may be other problems with EE.
  3. EE's hex view cannot be completely trusted. While you would expect to be looking at the raw data of the file when looking at the hex view, EE (at least in some places) seems to reconstruct the hex version of the file from it's own internal representation of the file's elements.
    • If you're in doubt about EE's hex view, you should use the hex view in TESPCD to verify it. TESPCD's hex view seems trustworthy.

Save Games

  • While EE's understanding of mod files is very thorough, it's understanding of save files is not as complete and is erroneous in some places. Largely EE's comprehension of save files can be fixed by using an updated ESTemplate file, but there are some places in which EE's hard coded comprehension of the file structure fails -- and this cannot be resolved by tweaking the ESTemplate file.
  • If you need to work with save files, then you should use the ESTEmplate file that comes with Wrye Mash (or a newer version than that, if one is available.)
  • References in save games are more complicated then EE accounts for. To some degree this is fixed by an up-to-date ESTemplate file, but some problems remain due to EE's hardcoded interpretation of files. In adding, removing and modifying references in savegames, you should note the following:
    • References for objects that have moved out of their original cell are preceded by two subrecords: a MVRF (Move Ref) record and CNAM (Cell Name) or CNDT (Cell Data?) record. This can occur for any type of object, though is most frequently seen in creatures and companion NPCs.
    • When spawn points spawn a creature, the reference for the spawn point wraps around a new reference for the spawned creature. The spawned creature may also move from it's original cell (thus having a MVRF associated with it). Thus, you'll see a FRMR for the spawn point, then (optionally) MVRF and CNAM/CNDT, then the FRMR for the creature, and at the end, the z for the location DATA for the creature, then the location DATA for the spawn point.
    • References in a cell are divided into two groups: persistent and non-persistent. The persistent refs are listed first. Then, if present, the non-persistent refs. The non-persistent refs are preceded by a NAM0 subrecord, which holds an integer equal to the number of non-persistent refs. This NAM0 subrecord stands on it's own -- i.e., it should not be grouped with any preceding or following subrecords.
    • A cell record can include map note subrecords (MPNT+MPDT) at its end. These should not be grouped with any preceding references.
