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Morrowind:Kill the Master Thief

< Quests: Fighters Guild / Vivec City
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Kill the Main Boss of the Thieves Guild, 'Gentleman' Jim Stacey in Vivec.
Quest Giver: Sjoring Hard-Heart in Vivec
Location(s): Vivec
Prerequisite Quest: Remove the Heads of the Thieves Guild
Reward: Promotion in the Fighters Guild Faction
ID: FG_BigBosses
Required Rank: Champion

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Sjoring Hard-Heart for orders.
  2. Kill Gentleman Jim Stacey at Simine Fralinie's bookstore in the Foreign Quarter Canalworks.
  3. Return to Sjoring, who will attack you, and kill him to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough

The Orders

Sjoring Hard-Heart in the Vivec Guild of Fighters will ask you to kill the Master Thief once you've killed the three Thieves Guild bosses.

Kill the Master Thief

Gentleman Jim Stacey can be found at Simine Fralinie's bookstore in the Vivec Foreign Quarter Canalworks. Jim is behind the locked door in the back of the bookshop. Again, you will be charged with the murder and have a bounty once you attack him. Once he is dead, Crazy-Legs Arantamo will attack you.

When you return to Sjoring, he will attack you, arguing that you are a threat to his position. Afterwards, you will be the Master of the guild.

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Kill the Master Thief|FG_BigBosses}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Sjoring Hard-Heart asked me to kill the Master Thief, Gentleman Jim Stacey. He can be found in Simine Fralinie's bookstore in Vivec. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=yes|3=I told Sjoring Hard-Heart about killing the Master Thief. When he got the news, he attacked me, saying I was a threat to his position. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=110|2=yes|3=I told Sjoring the truth: That I am the new Master Thief of Vvardenfell. Upon hearing the news, he attacked me. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

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