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Morrowind:Galos Mathendis

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Galos Mathendis (galos mathendis)
Home City Sadrith Mora
Location Telvanni Council House
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 13 Class Enchanter
Other Information
Health 90 Magicka 164
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Telvanni Mouth(Mouth)
Galos Mathendis

Galos Mathendis is a Dunmer enchanter found in the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora. He is the Mouth for Master Aryon of House Telvanni.

If you advance far enough in House Telvanni, he will eventually step down and return to his research.

Galos wears an extravagant robe with matching shoes and a ring of fireballs. He carries a steel staff of war along with up to 100 gold. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the spells Weakness to Corpus Disease, Greater Shockball, Poisonous Touch, Paralysis, Vivec's Wrath, Ash Feast, Detect Key, Detect Creature, Frost Storm, Frost Bolt, Daedric Bite, Blightguard, Blood Despair, Recall, Mark, Dire Earwig, Cruel Noise, Golanar's Eye-Maze, Dire Weakness to Shock, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Fire, Lightning Storm, Viperbolt, Poisonbloom, Deadly Poison, Shockbloom, Distracting Touch, Wearying Touch, and Sleep.

Related Quests

House Telvanni

  • Coded Message: Deliver a coded message to Divayth Fyr in Tel Fyr.
  • Cure Blight: Deliver three Cure Blight potions to an alchemist in Tel Vos.
  • Daedra Skin: Find and deliver a Daedra skin to Master Aryon in Tel Vos.