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Morrowind:Durus Marius

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Durus Marius (durus marius)
Home City Vivec
Location Assernerairan, St. Olms Canton
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 23 Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 157 Magicka 162
Alarm 90 Fight 90
Durus Marius

Durus Marius is an Imperial Dark Brotherhood assassin located in the shrine of Assernerairan, which is in the Underworks of Vivec's St. Olms Canton.

Grandmaster Eno Hlaalu of the Morag Tong will ask you to kill a him in a Morag Tong quest. He also carries two Sanguine items: the Belt of Sanguine Hewing and Belt of Sanguine Sureflight.

Related Quests

Morag Tong


  • Though it is stated in-game that Durus Marius is a member of the Dark Brotherhood, he is not listed as such in the Construction Set, due to the Dark Brotherhood not being technically a faction until Tribunal.