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Lore:Flora R

< Flora


Radishes are farmed throughout Cyrodiil. They are identified by a clump of leaves growing out of the ground.

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Harvested Ingredient:


Red Kelp

Red Kelp

An extremely tall red and green plant found in the Mania portion of the Shivering Isles. It has several small yellow gas bladders which can be harvested for alchemical purposes.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Red Kelp Gas Bladder

Red Lichen

Red Lichen

Red lichen is a rare plant, found growing on rocks in the Ashlands of Vvardenfell.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Red Lichen


Rice can be found in food larders throughout Cyrodiil, but it does not grow there. Rice plants are sometimes cultivated in alchemy gardens.

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Harvested Ingredient:


Roland's Tear

Roland's Tear

Roland's Tear is a rare variant of Gold Kanet once found exclusively in small amounts in the Ascadian Isles, near the ruins of Ald Sotha. It was sacred to the Tribunal, and was sacrificially burned at shrines. It was also prized by alchemists for its wondrous powers when used in potion making. The flower likely went extinct during the Red Year, when Baar Dau's impact destroyed the surrounding area and created Scathing Bay.

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Harvested Ingredient:

Roland's Tear



Roobrush is a common shrub found throughout the West Gash region.

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Harvested Ingredient:


The Root

The Root is a theoretical living organism that connects all plant life in the Shivering Isles.

Found in:

  • Shivering Isles

Rot Scale

Rot Scale

Rot Scale is a white scaly plant found primarily in caves in the Dementia region of the Shivering Isles.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Rot Scale