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Title | Author | Description | Game(s) |
Galerion the Mystic | Asgrim Kolsgreg | A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild | |
Galur Rithari's Papers | Galur Rithari | Galur Rithari's account of his attempts to rid himself of vampirism | |
A Game at Dinner | An Anonymous Spy | A spy's observations upon poison making and a dinner party | |
Gelebourne's Journal | Gelebourne | The journal of an enterprising Brotherhood tomb robber | |
A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun | Mikael the Bard | A bard's description of life in the city of Whiterun | |
The Ghostly Stag | On the ghostly stag of Clickyville | ||
Ghosts in the Storm | Adonato Leotelli | Author's tale of his encounter with the Falmer | |
Ghosts of Glenumbra | Jean Dutheil | A dissertation on the haunting of Glenumbra | |
Ghraewaj | Tidasus | An overview of the Ghraewaj play, which portrays the creation of harpies | |
A Gift of Sanctuary | A twisted tale of a boy's encounter with a duck | ||
The Gifts of Magnus | |||
The Glenmoril Wyrd | Lady Cinnabar of Taneth | A description of witches of the Glenmoril Wyrd | |
Glories and Laments | Alexandre Hetrard | The "glories" of the Ayleid city Ceyatatar and "laments" over the collapse of the Ayleid civilization | |
Glorious Balamath | A poem dedicated to Balamath | ||
The Gold Ribbon of Merit | Ampyrian Brum | A man tutors his old friend in marksmanship | |
Goodnight Mundus | A Tamrielic Lullaby | ||
Grasping Fortune | Serjo Hlaalu Dram Bero | Evangelical and documentative work of Great House Hlaalu | |
Great Harbingers | Swyk the Long-Sighted | Chronicle of some of the leaders of the Companions | |
The Great Houses and Their Uses | Tel Verano | Appraisals of the Great Houses of Morrowind | |
Great Houses of Morrowind | A description of the five great houses of Morrowind | ||
The Great Siege of Orsinium | Sobre o famoso conflito da Primeira Era entre Orcs e seus vizinhos na Baía Iliaca. | ||
The Great War (book) | Legado Justianus Quintius | A coletânea de um soldado sobre os maiores eventos antes e durante a Grande Guerra | |
The Green Pact and the Dominion | A discussion of how the Green Pact affects the Dominion | ||
The Green Singing | O ritual de feitiçaria de um Fiandeiro de Y'ffre | ||
Greywyn's Journal | Greywyn | The history of the Crimson Scars | |
A Grifter's Apology | Anonymous | A former con-artist's advice | |
Grommok's Journal | Grommok gro-Barak | An Orc adventurer chronicles his discovery of the sword Dawnfang/Duskfang | |
Guide to Ald'ruhn | An overview of Ald'ruhn's people and notable places | ||
Guide to Anvil | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Anvil's people and notable places | |
Guide to Balmora | An overview of Balmora's people and notable places | ||
Guide to Better Thieving | Wulfmare Shadow-Cloak | A boastful thief discusses the tricks of the trade | |
Guide to Bravil | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Bravil's people and notable places | |
Guide to Bruma | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Bruma's people and notable places | |
Guide to Cheydinhal | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Cheydinhal's people and notable places | |
Guide to Chorrol | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Chorrol's people and notable places | |
A Guide to Fishing Tamriel | "The Old Slaughterfish" | An old angler's advice on his profession | |
Guide to Leyawiin | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Leyawiin's people and notable places | |
Guide to New Sheoth | Brenith Aralyn | An overview of New Sheoth's people and notable places | |
Guide to Sadrith Mora | An overview of Sadrith Mora's people and notable places | ||
Guide to Skingrad | Alessia Ottus | An overview of Skingrad's people and notable places | |
Guide to the Daggerfall Covenant | A history and overview of the Daggerfall Covenant | ||
Guide to the Imperial City | Alessia Ottus | An overview of the Imperial City's people and notable places | |
Guide to Vivec | An overview of Vivec's people and notable places | ||
Guide to Vvardenfell | An overview of the province of Vvardenfell | ||
Guylaine's Architecture | Guylaine Marilie | Guylaine Marilie's summary of historical Dwemer architecture, which has been somewhat invalidated by modern scholarship |