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Lore:Exegese de Merid-Nunda

4 607 bytes adicionados, 08h20min de 27 de janeiro de 2016
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<noinclude>{{Book Summary
|author={{Lore Link|Phrastus of Elinhir}}
|description=Thoughts on a rare manuscript
{{Non Book|''Note: {{Lore Link|Herminia Cinna}}, one of the scholars mentioned in this book, appeared in [[Oblivion:Oblivion|Oblivion]].
Truly, the Tract of {{Lore Link|Meridia|Merid-Nunda}} is one of the strangest and least understood works of mythohistory that has come down to us from the early {{Lore Link|First Era}}. It exists only in partial manuscript form, a single copy of which resides in the library of the {{Lore Link|Arcane University}} at the {{Lore Link|Imperial City}}. (Or at least it did, though since the {{Lore Link|Mages Guild}} was blamed for the disappearance of the Emperor {{Lore Link|Varen}} and driven out of {{Lore Link|Cyrodiil}}, I don't know what has become of their once-admirable library.)

Fortunately, I was granted an opportunity to study the noted Tract in detail while the Guild was still in possession of it, and made a personal copy for myself so I could continue to unravel its mysteries once I'd returned to {{Lore Link|Elinhir}}.

The problem of understanding the Tract of Merid-Nunda is twofold: First, the extant document is clearly part of a larger work, drawn from seemingly somewhere in the middle, and without the preceding and following portions of the work we have little context for the part that remains. Second, the Tract is written in a peculiar argot that employs {{Lore Link|Ayleid}} phrases in a late {{Lore Link|Nede|Nedic}} syntax, including many words of unknown origin that don't appear in any other source.

However, working outward from fragments previously translated by [[Lore:Books by Author#Wenengrus Monhona|Wenegrus Monhana]] and {{Lore Link|Herminia Cinna}}, I believe I can shed some new light on certain key passages in this mysterious manuscript. Our format shall be to provide the translation of each passage, followed by my interpretation of its meaning.

"...were known as the Nine Coruscations, who followed the parabolas that led away from {{Lore Link|Magnus (god)|Magnus}}. Merid-Nunda was of these Sisters, as was {{Lore Link|Mnemoli|Mnemo-Li}}, as was {{Lore Link|Xero-Lyg}}, as was...."

This appears to identify the "{{Lore Link|Daedric Princes|Daedric Prince}}" {{Lore Link|Meridia}} with the so-called [[Lore:Magna Ge|Star-Orphans]], those {{Lore Link|Anu}}ic ur-entities that separated from Magnus when that Divine withdrew from the creation of the {{Lore Link|Aurbis}}. The best-known of these Star-Orphans is probably Mnemoli the Blue Star, who is associated with un-time events, and was said to be visible even in the daytime sky at the time of the {{Lore Link|Dragon Break}}.

"...thus we call upon {{Lore Link|Cenedelin}} to bind the earth, as we speak to Merid-Nunda regarding the light, for she is the scintilla that fears not darkness, and swims the waves of pull and spin...."

For the Ayleids, of course, Light was one of the four elements of creation, and this passage seems to confirm that Meridia was the personification of Light to the Wild Elves. Though I am certain of this passage's translation, I confess the meaning of the final phrases eludes me.

The next passage was quite difficult, but its translation adds an entirely new episode to our accounts of the {{Lore Link|Dawn Era}}:<br>
"The Lords of the Chaos-Realms chided Merid-Nunda for her trespass and bade her return to Aurbis, claiming all existing spheres as their own. But Merid-Nunda formed of her substance a great drag-lens, and the light of Magnus was bent thereby. The rays [carved? focused?] a new sphere from the chaos, which Merid-Nunda, [laughing? sparkling?], did claim for her own."

This appears to recount the origin of the {{Lore Link|Colored Rooms}}, as Meridia's Oblivion realm is known, seemingly formed directly out of the stuff of chaos by an act of divine will.

And finally:<br>
"...thus does Merid-Nunda [ride? slide?] across the rainbow road from end to end, at one end stretching the {{Lore Link|dragon}}, at the other end compressing him...."

A curious passage indeed. The "dragon," of course, traditionally refers to the Divine we know as {{Lore Link|Akatosh}}, the God of Time. This seems to suggest that by traveling the "rainbow road" (a reference to the prismatic refraction of light?), Meridia can in some sense alter the rate at which time flows forward.

Altering the "speed" of time? Is this merely an absurd conceit of the late Ayleid sorcerer-priests, or a genuine insight into the nature of one of the least-understood Daedric Princes?

Who can say?