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Skyrim:Generic Magic Apparel

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{{Trail|Items}} [[Category:Skyrim-Clothing]] [[Category:Skyrim-Armor]] [[Category:Skyrim-Jewelry]]
This page describes the '''Generic Magic Apparel''' items in Skyrim. All of the randomly generated enchanted armor, clothing, and jewelry in the game are listed on this page, including items found on enemy NPCs and items found in loot.

'''See Also''':
* [[Skyrim:Magic Items|Magic Items]]: General information on magic items and how they appear.
* [[Skyrim:Armor|Armor]]: All of the basic (unenchanted) armor in the game.
* [[Skyrim:Clothing|Clothing]]: All of the basic (unenchanted) clothing and jewelry in the game.
* [[Skyrim:Leveled_Items|Leveled Items]]: Leveled magic apparel, generally received as quest rewards.
* [[Skyrim:Unique Items|Unique Items]]: Unique apparel, available from merchants or received as quest rewards.
* [[Skyrim:Artifacts|Artifacts]]: Unusually powerful one-of-a-kind apparel.

[[Skyrim:Workbench|Tempering]] any magic armor requires the [[Skyrim:Arcane Blacksmith|Arcane Blacksmith]] perk to be unlocked. The type of ingot (or other material) necessary for the upgrade, as well as which [[Skyrim:Smithing|Smithing]] perk augments the upgrade, is the same as for the base version of the armor. The base version of each armor is highlighted via a link in the armor name; that link leads to the page detailing the base armor. Clothing can not be upgraded.

Unless noted otherwise, all of these items can be disenchanted.

The levels in the table describe the ''base'' level at which an item begins to show up randomly for the player, and appears to only be a hard minimum level for shops. Lower level items will also randomly appear, but so will higher level armors in certain "loot" situations: potentially up to at least 12 levels "early".

== [[SR:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Alchemy}}"<br/>''Created potions are 12% more powerful.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Gold and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Minor Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Alchemy
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Alchemy}}"<br/>''Created potions are 15% more powerful.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Gold and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Alchemy
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Alchemy
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Alchemy}}"<br/>''Created potions are 17% more powerful.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Gold and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Alchemy
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Alchemy
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Alchemy}}"<br/>''Created potions are 20% more powerful.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Gold and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Eminent Alchemy
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Alchemy
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Alchemy}}"<br/>''Created potions are 22% more powerful.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Gold and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Extreme Alchemy
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Alchemy
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Alchemy}}"<br/>''Created potions are 25% more powerful.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alchemy|Fortify Alchemy]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Gold and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Peerless Alchemy
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Alchemy

== [[SR:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 12% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Silver and Sapphire Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 15% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Silver and Sapphire Circlet|Circlet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 17% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Silver and Sapphire Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Major Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 20% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Silver and Sapphire Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 22% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Silver and Sapphire Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 25% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Silver and Sapphire Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Alteration

== [[SR:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]] with [[SR:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 12% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 12 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Novice Robes|Novice Robes]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Alteration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Apprentice Robes of Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 75% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 75 pts
|[[SR:Apprentice Robes|Apprentice Robes]] of Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Alteration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Adept Robes of Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Adept Robes|Adept Robes]] of Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Alteration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Expert Robes of Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 125% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 125 pts
|[[SR:Expert Robes|Expert Robes]] of Alteration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Master Robes of Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 150% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 150 pts
|[[SR:Master Robes|Master Robes]] of Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Alteration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Alteration}}"<br/>''Alteration spells cost 25% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Alteration|Fortify Alteration]], 25 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Alteration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Alteration

== [[SR:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Archery}}"<br/>''Bows do 15% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Gold and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Minor Archery
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Archery
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Archery}}"<br/>''Bows do 20% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Archery
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Gold and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Archery
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Archery
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Archery
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Archery
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Archery
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Archery}}"<br/>''Bows do 25% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Gold and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Archery
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Archery
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Archery}}"<br/>''Bows do 30% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Gold and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Eminent Archery
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Archery
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Archery}}"<br/>''Bows do 35% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Gold and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Extreme Archery
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Archery
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Archery}}"<br/>''Bows do 40% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Archery|Fortify Archery]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Gold and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Peerless Archery
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Archery

== [[SR:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Haggling}}"<br/>''Prices are 12% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Haggling
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Haggling}}"<br/>''Prices are 15% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Haggling
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Haggling}}"<br/>''Prices are 17% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Haggling
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Haggling}}"<br/>''Prices are 20% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Haggling
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Haggling}}"<br/>''Prices are 22% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Haggling
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Haggling}}"<br/>''Prices are 25% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Barter|Fortify Barter]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Haggling

== [[SR:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Blocking}}"<br/>''Block 15% more damage with your shield.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Minor Blocking
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Minor Blocking
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Minor Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Minor Blocking
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Minor Blocking
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Minor Blocking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Blocking}}"<br/>''Block 20% more damage with your shield.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Blocking
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Blocking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Blocking}}"<br/>''Block 25% more damage with your shield.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Major Blocking
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Major Blocking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Blocking}}"<br/>''Block 30% more damage with your shield.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Eminent Blocking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Blocking}}"<br/>''Block 35% more damage with your shield.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Extreme Blocking
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Extreme Blocking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Blocking}}"<br/>''Block 40% more damage with your shield.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Block|Fortify Block]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Blocking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Blocking
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Peerless Blocking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Peerless Blocking
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Peerless Blocking

== [[SR:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Lifting}}"<br/>''Carrying capacity increased by 25 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Lifting
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Lifting
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Lifting
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Lifting
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Lifting
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Lifting
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Hauling}}"<br/>''Carrying capacity increased by 30 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Hauling
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Hauling
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Strength}}"<br/>''Carrying capacity increased by 35 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Strength
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Strength
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Brawn}}"<br/>''Carrying capacity increased by 40 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Brawn
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Brawn
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Ox}}"<br/>''Carrying capacity increased by 45 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]], 45 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of the Ox
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of the Ox
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of the Ox
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of the Ox
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of the Ox
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of the Ox
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Mammoth}}"<br/>''Carrying capacity increased by 50 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight|Fortify Carry Weight]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of the Mammoth
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of the Mammoth
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of the Mammoth

== [[SR:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Conjuring|of Minor Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 12% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Conjuration|Imperial Helmet of Minor Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Minor Conjuration|Imperial Light Helmet of Minor Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Copper and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Conjuration|Circlet of Minor Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Minor Conjuration|Ring of Minor Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Minor Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Conjuring
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Conjuring|of Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 15% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Conjuration|Imperial Helmet of Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Conjuration|Imperial Light Helmet of Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Copper and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Conjuration|Circlet of Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Conjuration|Ring of Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Conjuration|Scaled Armor of Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Conjuration|Scaled Helmet of Conjuration}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Conjuring|of Major Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 17% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Conjuration|Imperial Helmet of Major Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Major Conjuration|Imperial Light Helmet of Major Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Copper and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Conjuration|Circlet of Major Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Major Conjuration|Ring of Major Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Major Conjuration|Scaled Armor of Major Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Conjuration|Scaled Helmet of Major Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Conjuring
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Major Conjuring
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Conjuring|of Eminent Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 20% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|{{LE|[[SR:Copper and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Conjuration|Circlet of Eminent Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Conjuration|Ring of Eminent Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Eminent Conjuration|Scaled Armor of Eminent Conjuration}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuration|Scaled Helmet of Eminent Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Eminent Conjuring
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Conjuring
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Conjuring|of Extreme Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 22% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Conjuring
|{{LE|Circlet of Extreme Conjuration|Circlet of Extreme Conjuration}}
|{{LE|Ring of Extreme Conjuration|Ring of Extreme Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Extreme Conjuring
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Conjuring
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Conjuring|of Peerless Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 25% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 25 pts
|{{LE|Circlet of Peerless Conjuration|Circlet of Peerless Conjuration}}
|{{LE|Ring of Peerless Conjuration|Ring of Peerless Conjuration}}
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Peerless Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Peerless Conjuring
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Conjuring
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Peerless Conjuring
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Conjuring

== [[SR:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]] with [[SR:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 12% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 12 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Novice Robes|Novice Robes]] of Conjuration
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Conjuration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Conjuration
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Minor Conjuration&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Conjuration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Conjuration
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Conjuration&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Apprentice Robes of Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 75% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 75 pts
|[[SR:Apprentice Robes|Apprentice Robes]] of Conjuration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Conjuration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Conjuration
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Major Conjuration&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Adept Robes of Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Adept Robes|Adept Robes]] of Conjuration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Conjuration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Conjuration
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Eminent Conjuration&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Expert Robes of Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 125% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 125 pts
|[[SR:Expert Robes|Expert Robes]] of Conjuration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Conjuration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Conjuration
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Extreme Conjuration&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Master Robes of Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 150% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 150 pts
|[[SR:Master Robes|Master Robes]] of Conjuration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Conjuration}}"<br/>''Conjuration spells cost 25% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Conjuration|Fortify Conjuration]], 25 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Conjuration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Conjuration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Conjuration
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Peerless Conjuration&nbsp;{{DG}}

== [[SR:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 12% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Copper and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 15% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Copper and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 17% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Copper and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Major Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 20% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Copper and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]]of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 22% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Copper and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 25% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Copper and Ruby Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Destruction
|{{LE|Ring of Peeless Destruction|Ring of Peerless Destruction}}{{sic}}
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Destruction

== [[SR:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]] with [[SR:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 12% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 12 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Novice Robes|Novice Robes]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Destruction
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Minor Destruction&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Destruction
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Destruction&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Apprentice Robes of Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 75% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 75 pts
|[[SR:Apprentice Robes|Apprentice Robes]] of Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Destruction
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Major Destruction&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Adept Robes of Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Adept Robes|Adept Robes]] of Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Destruction
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Eminent Destruction&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Expert Robes of Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 125% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 125 pts
|[[SR:Expert Robes|Expert Robes]] of Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Destruction
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Extreme Destruction&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Master Robes of Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 150% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 150 pts
|[[SR:Master Robes|Master Robes]] of Destruction
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Destruction}}"<br/>''Destruction spells cost 25% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Destruction|Fortify Destruction]], 25 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Destruction
|[[SR:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Peerless Destruction&nbsp;{{DG}}

== [[SR:Fortify Healing Rate|Fortify Healing Rate]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Remedy}}"<br/>''Health regenerates 20% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Healing Rate|Fortify Healing Rate]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Remedy
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Remedy
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Remedy
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Remedy
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Remedy
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Mending}}"<br/>''Health regenerates 30% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Healing Rate|Fortify Healing Rate]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Mending
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Mending
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Mending
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Mending
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Mending
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Mending
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Mending
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Mending
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Regeneration}}"<br/>''Health regenerates 40% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Healing Rate|Fortify Healing Rate]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Regeneration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Regeneration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Revival}}"<br/>''Health regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Healing Rate|Fortify Healing Rate]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Revival
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Revival
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Revival
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Revival
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Revival

== [[SR:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Health}}"<br/>''Increases your health by 20 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Studded Imperial Armor|Studded Imperial Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Studded Armor|Studded Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Minor Health
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Minor Health
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Health}}"<br/>''Increases your health by 30 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Imperial Light Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Studded Imperial Armor|Studded Imperial Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Studded Armor|Studded Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Health
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Health
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Health
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Health
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Health}}"<br/>''Increases your health by 40 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Studded Imperial Armor|Studded Imperial Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Studded Armor|Studded Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Major Health
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Major Health
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Health}}"<br/>''Increases your health by 50 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Eminent Health
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Eminent Health
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Health}}"<br/>''Increases your health by 60 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]], 60 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Extreme Health
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Extreme Health
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Health}}"<br/>''Increases your health by 70 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Health|Fortify Health]], 70 pts
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Health
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Health
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Peerless Health
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Peerless Health
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Peerless Health

== [[SR:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Minor Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Heavy Armor skill by 12 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of the Minor Knight
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of the Minor Knight
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of the Minor Knight
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of the Minor Knight
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of the Minor Knight
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of the Minor Knight
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Heavy Armor skill by 15 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of the Knight
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of the Knight
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of the Knight
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of the Knight
|{{LE|Ring of the Major Knight|Ring of the Major Knight}}
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of the Knight
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of the Knight
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of the Knight
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Major Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Heavy Armor skill by 17 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of the Major Knight
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of the Major Knight
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Eminent Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Heavy Armor skill by 20 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of the Eminent Knight
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of the Eminent Knight
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Noble Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Heavy Armor skill by 22 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of the Noble Knight
|{{LE|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of the Extreme Knight|Necklace of the Extreme Knight}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of the Extreme Knight|Ring of the Extreme Knight}}
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of the Noble Knight
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of the Noble Knight
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of the Noble Knight
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Peerless Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Heavy Armor skill by 25 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Heavy Armor|Fortify Heavy Armor]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of the Peerless Knight
|[[SR:Silver Garnet Ring|Ring]] of the Peerless Knight
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of the Peerless Knight
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of the Peerless Knight

== [[SR:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 12% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Jade and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 15% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Jade and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 17% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial LightHelmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Jade and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Major Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 20% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Jade and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 22% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Jade and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 25% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Jade and Emerald Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Illusion

== [[SR:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]] with [[SR:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 12% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 12 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Novice Robes|Novice Robes]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Illusion
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Apprentice Robes of Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 75% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 75 pts
|[[SR:Apprentice Robes|Apprentice Robes]] of Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Illusion
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Adept Robes of Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Adept Robes|Adept Robes]] of Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Illusion
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Expert Robes of Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 125% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 20 pts
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 125 pts
|[[SR:Expert Robes|Expert Robes]] of Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Illusion
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Master Robes of Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 150% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 150 pts
|[[SR:Master Robes|Master Robes]] of Illusion
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Illusion}}"<br/>''Illusion spells cost 25% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Illusion|Fortify Illusion]], 25 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Illusion
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Illusion

== [[SR:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Minor Squire}}"<br/>''Increases Light Armor skill by 12 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Armor|Imperial Armor]] of the Minor Squire
|[[SR:Studded Imperial Armor|Studded Imperial Armor]] of the Minor Squire
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of the Minor Squire
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of the Minor Squire
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of the Minor Squire
|[[SR:Studded Armor|Studded Armor]] of the Minor Squire
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of the Minor Squire
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Squire}}"<br/>''Increases Light Armor skill by 15 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Armor|Imperial Armor]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Studded Imperial Armor|Studded Imperial Armor]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Studded Armor|Studded Armor]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of the Squire
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of the Squire
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Major Squire}}"<br/>''Increases Light Armor skill by 17 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Armor|Imperial Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Studded Imperial Armor|Studded Imperial Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Studded Armor|Studded Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of the Major Squire
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of the Major Squire
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Eminent Squire}}"<br/>''Increases Light Armor skill by 20 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of the Eminent Squire
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of the Eminent Squire
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of the Eminent Squire
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of the Eminent Squire
|{{LE|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of the Eminent Knight|Elven Gilded Armor of the Eminent Knight}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of the Eminent Knight|Glass Armor of the Eminent Knight}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of the Eminent Knight|Dragonscale Armor of the Eminent Knight}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Noble Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Light Armor skill by 22 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]], 22 pts
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of the Extreme Squire|Necklace of the Extreme Squire}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of the Extreme Squire|Ring of the Extreme Squire}}
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of the Noble Knight
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of the Noble Knight
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of the Noble Knight
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Peerless Knight}}"<br/>''Increases Light Armor skill by 25 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Light Armor|Fortify Light Armor]], 25 pts
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of the Peerless Squire|Necklace of the Peerless Squire}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of the Peerless Squire|Ring of the Peerless Squire}}
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of the Peerless Knight

== [[SR:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Lockpicking}}"<br/>''Lockpicking is 15% easier.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Lockpicking
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Minor Lockpicking
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Lockpicking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Lockpicking}}"<br/>''Lockpicking is 20% easier.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Lockpicking
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Lockpicking
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Lockpicking
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Lockpicking
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Lockpicking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Lockpicking}}"<br/>''Lockpicking is 25% easier.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Lockpicking
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Lockpicking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Lockpicking}}"<br/>''Lockpicking is 30% easier.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Lockpicking
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Lockpicking
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Lockpicking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Lockpicking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Lockpicking}}"<br/>''Lockpicking is 35% easier.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Lockpicking
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Lockpicking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Lockpicking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Lockpicking}}"<br/>''Lockpicking is 40% easier.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Lockpicking|Fortify Lockpicking]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Lockpicking
|[[SR:Silver Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Lockpicking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Lockpicking

== [[SR:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]

!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Magicka}}"<br/>''Increases your Magicka by 20 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Silver and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Magicka
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Magicka
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Magicka}}"<br/>''Increases your Magicka by 30 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Magicka
|{{LE|Novice Hood}}
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Silver and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Magicka
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Magicka
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Magicka}}"<br/>''Increases your Magicka by 40 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Helmet|Imperial Light Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|{{LE|Apprentice Hood}}
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Silver and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Magicka
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Magicka
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Magicka}}"<br/>''Increases your Magicka by 50 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]], 50 pts
|{{LE|Adept Hood}}
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|{{LE|Circlet of Extreme Magicka|Circlet of Extreme Magicka}}
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Magicka
|{{LE|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka|Daedric Helmet of Extreme Magicka}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Magicka}}"<br/>''Increases your Magicka by 60 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]], 60 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Silver and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Magicka}}"<br/>''Increases your Magicka by 70 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka|Fortify Magicka]], 70 pts
|[[SR:Silver and Moonstone Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Magicka
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Magicka
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Magicka
|{{LE|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka|Dragonplate Helmet of Extreme Magicka}}
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Magicka
|{{LE|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Magicka|Daedric Helmet of Extreme Magicka}}
The Dragonplate Helmet (d7a74) and Daedric Helmet (d7ae6) of Extreme Magicka are, in fact, Peerless. They are mislabeled as Extreme in-game.

== [[SR:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Recharging}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 40% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Recharging
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Recharging
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Recharging
!colspan=6|"Novice-level Mage Robes"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 50 pts
|{{LE|Black Mage Robes|Black Mage Robes}}
|{{LE|Blue Mage Robes|Blue Mage Robes}}
|{{LE|Novice Robes|Novice Robes}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Replenishing}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 60% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 60 pts
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Replenishing
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Quickening}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 75% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 75 pts
|{{LE|Apprentice Robes}}
|{{LE|Hooded Black Mage Robes|Hooded Black Mage Robes}}
|{{LE|Hooded Necromancer Robes|Hooded Necromancer Robes}}
|{{LE|Necromancer Robes|Necromancer Robes}}
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Quickening
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Quickening
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Quickening
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Quickening
|[[Skyrim:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Quickening&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Resurgence}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 80% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 80 pts
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Resurgence
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Recovery}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Recovery
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Recovery
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Recovery
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Recovery
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Recharging}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 100 pts
|{{LE|Adept Robes}}
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Recharging
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Recharging
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Recharging
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Recharging
|[[Skyrim:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Recharging&nbsp;{{DG}}
|xx015cc6||5||250|| 25||N/A
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Replenishing}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 125% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 125 pts
|{{LE|Expert Robes|Expert Robes}}
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Replenishing
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Replenishing
|[[Skyrim:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Replenishing&nbsp;{{DG}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Resurgence}}"<br/>''Magicka regenerates 150% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Magicka Rate|Fortify Magicka Rate]], 150 pts
|{{LE|Master Robes}}
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Resurgence
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Resurgence
|[[Skyrim:Vampire Armor|Vampire Armor]] of Resurgence&nbsp;{{DG}}

== [[SR:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Wielding}}"<br/>''One-handed attacks do 15% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Minor Wielding
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Wielding}}"<br/>''One-handed attacks do 20% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Wielding
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Wielding
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Wielding}}"<br/>''One-handed attacks do 25% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Major Wielding
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Wielding
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Wielding}}"<br/>''One-handed attacks do 30% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Wielding
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Eminent Wielding
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Wielding}}"<br/>''One-handed attacks do 35% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Wielding
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Extreme Wielding
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Wielding}}"<br/>''One-handed attacks do 40% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify One-Handed|Fortify One-Handed]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Wielding
|[[SR:Silver Amethyst Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Wielding
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Peerless Wielding
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Wielding
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Peerless Wielding

== [[SR:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Deft Hands}}"<br/>''Pickpocket success is 15% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Deft Hands
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Deft Hands
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Deft Hands
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Minor Deft Hands
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Deft Hands
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Deft Hands}}"<br/>''Pickpocket success is 20% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Deft Hands
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Deft Hands
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Deft Hands
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Deft Hands
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Deft Hands
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Deft Hands
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Deft Hands
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Deft Hands}}"<br/>''Pickpocket success is 25% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Deft Hands
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Deft Hands
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Deft Hands}}"<br/>''Pickpocket success is 30% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Deft Hands
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Deft Hands
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Deft Hands
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Deft Hands
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Deft Hands
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Deft Hands
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Deft Hands}}"<br/>''Pickpocket success is 35% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Deft Hands
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Deft Hands
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Deft Hands
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Deft Hands
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Deft Hands}}"<br/>''Pickpocket success is 40% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Pickpocket|Fortify Pickpocket]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Deft Hands
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Deft Hands
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Deft Hands

== [[SR:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 12% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Minor Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 15% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 17% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Helmet|Imperial Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Hide Armor|Hide Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Hide Helmet|Hide Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Iron Armor|Iron Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Iron Helmet|Iron Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Banded Iron Armor|Banded Iron Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Leather Helmet|Leather Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Armor|Steel Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Major Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 20% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Armor|Dwarven Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Helmet|Elven Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Armor|Steel Plate Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Scaled Armor|Scaled Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Eminent Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 22% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Armor|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Extreme Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 25% less to cast.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Peerless Restoration

== [[SR:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]] with [[SR:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 12% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 12 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Novice Robes|Novice Robes]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Minor Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Minor Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Restoration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Apprentice Robes of Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 15% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 75% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 15 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 75 pts
|[[SR:Apprentice Robes|Apprentice Robes]] of Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Major Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Major Restoration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Adept Robes of Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 17% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 100% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 17 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Adept Robes|Adept Robes]] of Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Eminent Restoration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Expert Robes of Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 20% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 125% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 20 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 125 pts
|[[SR:Expert Robes|Expert Robes]] of Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 22% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 22 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Extreme Restoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 25% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 25 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Necromancer Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Restoration
|[[SR:Hooded Black Mage Robes|Robes]] of Peerless Restoration
!colspan=6|"{{LE|Master Robes of Restoration}}"<br/>''Restoration spells cost 25% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 150% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Restoration|Fortify Restoration]], 25 pts<br>
[[Skyrim:Regenerate Magicka|Regenerate Magicka]], 150 pts
|[[SR:Master Robes|Master Robes]] of Restoration

== [[SR:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Smithing}}"<br/>''Weapons and armor can be improved 12% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Smithing
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Minor Smithing
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Smithing}}"<br/>''Weapons and armor can be improved 15% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Smithing
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Smithing
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Smithing}}"<br/>''Weapons and armor can be improved 17% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Major Smithing
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Smithing
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Smithing}}"<br/>''Weapons and armor can be improved 20% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Smithing
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Eminent Smithing
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Smithing}}"<br/>''Weapons and armor can be improved 22% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Smithing
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Extreme Smithing
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Smithing}}"<br/>''Weapons and armor can be improved 25% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Smithing|Fortify Smithing]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Smithing
|[[SR:Gold Emerald Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Smithing
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Peerless Smithing
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Smithing
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Peerless Smithing

== [[SR:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Sneaking}}"<br/>''Sneaking is 15% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Minor Sneaking
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Minor Sneaking
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Minor Sneaking
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Sneaking
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Minor Sneaking
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Minor Sneaking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Sneaking}}"<br/>''Sneaking is 20% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Sneaking
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Sneaking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Sneaking}}"<br/>''Sneaking is 25% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Major Sneaking
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Major Sneaking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Sneaking}}"<br/>''Sneaking is 30% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Eminent Sneaking
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Sneaking
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Sneaking
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Eminent Sneaking
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Eminent Sneaking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Eminent Sneaking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Sneaking}}"<br/>''Sneaking is 35% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Sneaking
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Sneaking
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Extreme Sneaking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Extreme Sneaking
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Sneaking}}"<br/>''Sneaking is 40% better.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Sneak|Fortify Sneak]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Sneaking
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Sneaking
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Peerless Sneaking

== [[SR:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]] ==
Note: There are no chest pieces in this category. Although some fortify stamina items are named "Orcish Armor of..." or "Steel Armor of...", these items are actually boots.

{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Stamina}}"<br/>''Increases your stamina by 20 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Minor Stamina
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Minor Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Minor Stamina
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Minor Stamina
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Minor Stamina
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Stamina}}"<br/>''Increases your stamina by 30 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Stamina
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Stamina
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Stamina}}"<br/>''Increases your stamina by 40 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Armor]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Armor]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Major Stamina
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Major Stamina
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Stamina}}"<br/>''Increases your stamina by 50 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Armor]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Eminent Stamina
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Stamina}}"<br/>''Increases your stamina by 60 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]], 60 pts
|{{LE|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Extreme Stamina|Dwarven Boots of Extreme Stamina}}
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Armor]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Extreme Stamina
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Extreme Stamina
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Stamina}}"<br/>''Increases your stamina by 70 points.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina|Fortify Stamina]], 70 pts
|[[SR:Gold Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Stamina
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Stamina
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Peerless Stamina
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Peerless Stamina
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Peerless Stamina

== [[SR:Fortify Stamina Regen|Fortify Stamina Regen]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Recuperation}}"<br/>''Stamina regenerates 20% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina Regen|Fortify Stamina Regen]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Recuperation
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Recuperation
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Recuperation
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Recuperation
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Recuperation
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Rejuvenation}}"<br/>''Stamina regenerates 30% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina Regen|Fortify Stamina Regen]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Rejuvenation
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Rejuvenation
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Invigoration}}"<br/>''Stamina regenerates 40% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina Regen|Fortify Stamina Regen]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Elven Armor|Elven Gilded Armor]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Ebony Armor|Ebony Armor]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Glass Armor|Glass Armor]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Invigoration
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Invigoration
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Renewal}}"<br/>''Stamina regenerates 50% faster.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Stamina Regen|Fortify Stamina Regen]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Silver Emerald Necklace|Necklace]] of Renewal
|[[SR:Gold Ring|Ring]] of Renewal
|[[SR:Dragonplate Armor|Dragonplate Armor]] of Renewal
|[[SR:Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]] of Renewal
|[[SR:Daedric Armor|Daedric Armor]] of Renewal

== [[SR:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Minor Sure Grip}}"<br/>''Two-handed attacks do 15% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Sure Grip
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Minor Sure Grip
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Minor Sure Grip
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Minor Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Minor Sure Grip
|{{LE|Ring of Minor Striking|Ring of Minor Striking}}
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Minor Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Minor Sure Grip
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Sure Grip}}"<br/>''Two-handed attacks do 20% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Sure Grip
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Sure Grip
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Major Sure Grip}}"<br/>''Two-handed attacks do 25% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]], 25 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Bracers|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Imperial Gauntlets|Imperial Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Hide Bracers|Hide Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Iron Gauntlets|Iron Gauntlets]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Leather Bracers|Leather Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Nordic Gauntlets|Steel Gauntlets]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Major Sure Grip
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Major Sure Grip
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Eminent Sure Grip}}"<br/>''Two-handed attacks do 30% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Gauntlets|Dwarven Bracers]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Elven Gauntlets|Elven Bracers]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Steel Plate Gauntlets|Steel Plate Bracers]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Scaled Bracers|Scaled Bracers]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Eminent Sure Grip
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Eminent Sure Grip
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Extreme Sure Grip}}"<br/>''Two-handed attacks do 35% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]], 35 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Gauntlets|Orcish Gauntlets]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Ebony Gauntlets|Ebony Gauntlets]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Glass Gauntlets|Glass Gauntlets]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Extreme Sure Grip
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Extreme Sure Grip
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Peerless Sure Grip}}"<br/>''Two-handed attacks do 40% more damage.''
[[Skyrim:Fortify Two-Handed|Fortify Two-Handed]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Silver Necklace|Necklace]] of Peerless Sure Grip
|[[SR:Silver Ruby Ring|Ring]] of Peerless Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dragonplate Gauntlets|Dragonplate Gauntlets]] of Peerless Sure Grip
|[[SR:Dragonscale Gauntlets|Dragonscale Gauntlets]] of Peerless Sure Grip
|[[SR:Daedric Gauntlets|Daedric Gauntlets]] of Peerless Sure Grip

== [[SR:Muffle (effect)|Muffle]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicIll"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Muffling}}"<br/>''Wearer is muffled and moves silently.''
[[Skyrim:Muffle (effect)|Muffle]], 0.5 pts
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Muffling
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Muffling

== [[SR:Resist Disease|Resist Disease]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Disease Resistance}}"<br/>''Increases Disease Resistance by 50%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Disease|Resist Disease]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Disease Resistance
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Disease Immunity}}"<br/>''Increases Disease Resistance by 100%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Disease|Resist Disease]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Disease Immunity

== [[SR:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Resist Fire}}"<br/>''Increases Fire Resistance by 15%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Resist Fire
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Resist Fire
|{{LE|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Fire Resist|Steel Shield of Fire Resist}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Waning Fire}}"<br/>''Increases Fire Resistance by 30%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Waning Fire
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Waning Fire
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Dwindling Flames}}"<br/>''Increases Fire Resistance by 40%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Banded Iron Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Steel Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Dwarven Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Elven Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Dwindling Fire|Necklace of Dwindling Fire}}
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Orcish Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Ebony Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Dwindling Flames
|{{LE|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Dwindling Fire|Glass Shield of Dwindling Fire}}
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Fire Suppression}}"<br/>''Increases Fire Resistance by 50%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]], 50 pts
|{{LE|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Flame Suppression|Dwarven Boots of Flame Suppression}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Flame Suppression|Dwarven Shield of Flame Suppression}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Flame Suppression|Elven Boots of Flame Suppression}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Flame Suppression|Elven Shield of Flame Suppression}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Flame Suppression|Steel Plate Boots of Flame Suppression}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Flame Suppression|Necklace of Flame Suppression}}
|{{LE|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Flame Suppression|Scaled Boots of Flame Suppression}}
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Fire Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Fire Suppression
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Fire Abatement}}"<br/>''Increases Fire Resistance by 60%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]], 60 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Fire Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Fire Abatement
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of the Firewalker}}"<br/>''Increases Fire Resistance by 70%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Fire|Resist Fire]], 70 pts
|[[SR:Gold Ruby Necklace|Necklace]] of the Firewalker
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of the Firewalker
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of the Firewalker
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of the Firewalker
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of the Firewalker
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of the Firewalker
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of the Firewalker

== [[SR:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Resist Frost}}"<br/>''Increases Frost Resistance by 15%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Resist Frost
|{{LE|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Frost Resist|Necklace of Frost Resist}}
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Resist Frost
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Resist Frost
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Waning Frost}}"<br/>''Increases Frost Resistance by 30%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Waning Frost
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Waning Frost
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Dwindling Frost}}"<br/>''Increases Frost Resistance by 40%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Armor|Imperial Armor]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Dwindling Frost
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Dwindling Frost
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Frost Suppression}}"<br/>''Increases Frost Resistance by 50%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Frost Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Frost Suppression
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Frost Abatement}}"<br/>''Increases Frost Resistance by 60%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]], 60 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Frost Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Frost Abatement
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Warmth}}"<br/>''Increases Frost Resistance by 70%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]], 70 pts
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Warmth
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Warmth
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Warmth
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Warmth
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Warmth
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Warmth
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Warmth

== [[SR:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Resist Magic}}"<br/>''Increases Magic Resistance by 10%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]], 10 pts
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Resist Magic
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Resist Magic
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Resist Magic
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Resist Magic
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Resist Magic
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Resist Magic
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Waning Magic}}"<br/>''Increases Magic Resistance by 12%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]], 12 pts
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Waning Magic
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Waning Magic
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Dwindling Magic}}"<br/>''Increases Magic Resistance by 15%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Dwindling Magic
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Magic Suppression}}"<br/>''Increases Magic Resistance by 17%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]], 17 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Magic Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Magic Suppression
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Magic Abatement}}"<br/>''Increases Magic Resistance by 20%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]], 20 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Magic Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Magic Abatement
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Nullification}}"<br/>''Increases Magic Resistance by 22%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]], 22 pts
|[[SR:Gold Sapphire Ring|Ring]] of Nullification
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Nullification
|[[SR:Gold Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Nullification
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Nullification
|{{LE|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of the Nullification|Daedric Shield of the Nullification}}

== [[SR:Resist Poison|Resist Poison]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Poison Resistance}}"<br/>''Increases Poison Resistance by 50%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Poison|Resist Poison]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Poison Resistance
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Poison Immunity}}"<br/>''Increases Poison Resistance by 100%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Poison|Resist Poison]], 100 pts
|[[SR:Gold Diamond Necklace|Necklace]] of Poison Immunity

== [[SR:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicRes"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Resist Shock}}"<br/>''Increases Shock Resistance by 15%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]], 15 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Resist Shock
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Resist Shock
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Waning Shock}}"<br/>''Increases Shock Resistance by 30%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]], 30 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Waning Shock
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Waning Shock
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Dwindling Shock}}"<br/>''Increases Shock Resistance by 40%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]], 40 pts
|[[SR:Imperial Light Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Steel Shin Boots|Imperial Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Imperial Light Shield|Imperial Light Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Hide Boots|Hide Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Hide Shield|Hide Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Iron Boots|Iron Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Iron Shield|Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Banded Iron Shield|Banded Iron Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Leather Boots|Leather Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Steel Cuffed Boots|Steel Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Steel Shield|Steel Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Dwindling Shock
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Dwindling Shock
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Shock Suppression}}"<br/>''Increases Shock Resistance by 50%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]], 50 pts
|[[SR:Dwarven Boots|Dwarven Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Dwarven Shield|Dwarven Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Elven Boots|Elven Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Elven Shield|Elven Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Steel Plate Boots|Steel Plate Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Scaled Boots|Scaled Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Shock Suppression
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Shock Suppression
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Shock Abatement}}"<br/>''Increases Shock Resistance by 60%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]], 60 pts
|[[SR:Orcish Boots|Orcish Boots]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Orcish Shield|Orcish Shield]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Boots|Ebony Boots]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Ebony Shield|Ebony Shield]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Boots|Glass Boots]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Glass Shield|Glass Shield]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Shock Abatement
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Shock Abatement
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Grounding}}"<br/>''Increases Shock Resistance by 70%.''
[[Skyrim:Resist Shock|Resist Shock]], 70 pts
|[[SR:Silver Jeweled Necklace|Necklace]] of Grounding
|[[SR:Dragonplate Boots|Dragonplate Boots]] of Grounding
|[[SR:Dragonplate Shield|Dragonplate Shield]] of Grounding
|[[SR:Dragonscale Boots|Dragonscale Boots]] of Grounding
|[[SR:Dragonscale Shield|Dragonscale Shield]] of Grounding
|[[SR:Daedric Boots|Daedric Boots]] of Grounding
|[[SR:Daedric Shield|Daedric Shield]] of Grounding

== [[SR:Waterbreathing (effect)|Waterbreathing]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable SRMagicAlt"
![[Skyrim:Form ID|ID]]
!colspan=6|"<Apparel> {{LE|of Waterbreathing}}"<br/>''Can swim underwater without drowning.''
|[[SR:Copper and Onyx Circlet|Circlet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Silver Sapphire Necklace|Necklace]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Steel Helmet|Steel Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Dwarven Helmet|Dwarven Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Steel Plate Helmet|Steel Plate Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Glass Helmet|Glass Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Scaled Helmet|Scaled Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Orcish Helmet|Orcish Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Ebony Helmet|Ebony Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Dragonplate Helmet|Dragonplate Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Dragonscale Helmet|Dragonscale Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
|[[SR:Daedric Helmet|Daedric Helmet]] of Waterbreathing
<sup>†</sup> The [[Skyrim:Circlet of Waterbreathing|Circlet of Waterbreathing]] has been left out of the standard <code>LItemEnchCircletAll</code> [[Skyrim:Leveled Lists|leveled list]].
cartographer, Patrulhadores
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