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{{Featured article}}{{Trail}}[[Category:Oblivion-Creatures|CreaturesCriaturas]]__NOTOC__
This page provides information on all the '''creatures''' in the game of Oblivion. [[Oblivion:NPCs|NPCs]] are not covered on this page; note that [[Oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] are considered to be NPCs in Oblivion. There are more detailed articles covering each category of creature ([[Oblivion:Animals|animals]], [[Oblivion:Daedra|daedra]], [[Oblivion:Goblins|goblins]], [[Oblivion:Monsters|monsters]], and [[Oblivion:Undead|undead]]) that provide full statistics on every individual creature that is encountered in the game. Lists of individual creatures can also be accessed from the [[:Category:Oblivion-Creatures|Oblivion-Creatures]] category.