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12 bytes adicionados, 15h08min de 18 de novembro de 2017
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However, this was not to be. Orsinium was once again sacked by the combined forces of Hammerfell and High Rock in the early [[Lore:Fourth Era|Fourth Era]], and many Orc refugees fled east into [[Lore:Skyrim|Skyrim]].{{ref|name=LoS|{{Cite book|Lord of Souls}}}} The kingdom reformed, but has relocated; it is now in between Skyrim and Hammerfell.{{ref|name=SRLoading}}
== Known Rulers Regentes conhecidos ==
*{{Lore Link|Torug gro-Igron}} (the tenth century of the {{Lore Link|First Era}})
*{{Lore Link|Gortwog|Gortwog gro-Nagorm}} (the fifth century of the {{Lore Link|Third Era}})
== See Also Veja também ==
* For game-specific information, see the [[Daggerfall:Daggerfall|Daggerfall]] articles on [[Daggerfall:Orsinium|Orsinium]] and the [[Daggerfall:Orsinium Area|Orsinium Area]].
* {{Book Link|How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs}}
* {{Book Link|Lord of Souls|ns=Books}}