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Daggerfall:Lord K'avar Quest Part II

< Quests: Fighters Guild

Free Lord K'avar from the dungeons of Palace Sentinel before his execution is scheduled.
Location(s): Palace Sentinel in Sentinel City
Reward: Random gold
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: s0000500
Required Reputation: Any
Difficulty: Hard
Ficheiro:DF-K'avar Face.png
Lord K'avar is waiting for his execution

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Receive a letter 31 to 93 days after you gave Lord K'avar the note in the previous quest.
  2. Read the letter.
  3. Meet with the addressor of the letter as soon as possible.
  4. Travel to Sentinel City as fast as possible.
  5. Enter Palace Sentinel and find Lord K'avar within.
  6. Free him and lead him out of the palace dungeons.
  7. Escort him to the hideout he mentioned to you.
  8. At the hideout talk to his friend.
  9. Receive your reward from Lord K'avar.
  10. Be sure to follow the time limits.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Offer

31 to 93 days after you have given the note from the dead spy to Lord K'avar in the previous quest, you will receive a letter from a courier. It says:

If you are a friend of Lord K'avar, please meet me at (tavern) in (first town), as soon as possible. This is a matter of life or death!

Quest Object

Ficheiro:DF-FG K'avar Contact.png
The addresser of the letter

The town the tavern is located will be in the region where you got the very first quest from the Fighters Guild. Travel to this town and meet the addressor of the letter as soon as possible. When you meet him/her, he/she will say:

(player's name)? You were my last hope! (Lord K'avar)'s friends and allies have all proven faithless after he was arrested by the tyrant Queen Akorithi on trumped up charges of treason. He is now locked in the dungeons of Castle Sentinel, awaiting execution. Please, if you have any regard for the man, rescue him from certain death. He often spoke of your skill and bravery. I know you will help us.

The time limit of this quest depends on the distance from the place the quest was started to Sentinel City. The place this quest was started was the palace in the previous quest where Lord K'avar was staying. If this location was rather near to Sentinel City you will have a tight time limit, if it was far away you will have more time. However this time limit starts already when the letter is scheduled to reach you and you must also meet with its addresser afterwards. If it takes you too long to reach the meeting place it is possible that you will never make it to Sentinel City in time, regardless how fast you travel. If you don't have access to the Mages Guild's Teleporter Service there is no way you can rescue Lord K'avar before his execution is scheduled. Since this quest has no consequences when you fail it, you may accept this circumstance and try it the next time.

In case you have enough time to reach Sentinel City travel there. Enter the palace and head for the throne room. Lord K'avar is held captive in a cell deep within the palace dungeons.

Finding Lord K'avar

In the palace dungeons you will encounter various humanoid enemies, like archers and spellswords. You may also run into some orc shamans, orc warlords and wraiths.

Starting from the throne room take the first door to the south. The door will be locked, so you should come prepared. Using force to open it is not a good idea, because there are several royal knights in the throne room that will attack you if you attempt to break open the door. Once the door is open walk south until you come to an elevator, ride up the elevator.

Once you reach the upper level follow the hallway.

Follow the apparently endless hallway further until the ambiance changes and dungeon music starts to play.

Follow the stairs down until you come to a door. Don't go through that door, but follow the hallway east, past an intersection, then turn north and head west at a second intersection. Follow the hallway north, until it makes a turn to the east.

Follow the hallway east and down, go past an open doorway than head south. Go west past a second intersection and follow the hallway until the textures of the environment change.

Follow the hallway past a door and at the first intersection go north, than head west and go up the stairs.

Once you have climbed the stairs, follow the hallway until you come to an intersection. Head east and follow the hallway until you come to a second intersection. From there head east and go up the stairs.

From the top of the stairs follow the hallway until you reach an intersection, head west there and turn north at a second intersection. Follow the hallway north and go through the door. Head east after you walked through the door and go up.

Follow the hallway until you reach an intersection and head east there. Follow the hallway and go up, you are almost there.

Follow the hallway further and you will eventually reach Lord K'avar's cell. There will be an archer in front of the door and a spellsword is guarding Lord K'avar. There will also be some loot in the cell. When you hit the spellsword he/she will raise an alarm and more spellswords will show up. In the room south of the cell is a torture instrument and a treasure pile you can collect.

Ficheiro:DF-FG K'avar Imprisoned.png
Lord K'avar in his cell

Escaping the Palace Dungeons

When you talk to Lord K'avar he will say:

(exclamation), am I glad to see you. We must get out of here before the alarm is raised. I was just plotting my escape when you showed up, but no need for that now, eh? My strong right arm, that's what I've always called you. I promise, when I am King of Sentinel, you will be there at my side, the richest lord of the kingdom! Sounds good, eh? Once we're clear of pursuit, take me to (second town). I have a friend there at (building) who will help me organize the conquest of Sentinel anew. Lead on, good (player's name), let us away!

Ficheiro:DF-FG K'avar Friend.png
Lord K'avar's friend

If you don't have a recall spell you must head back to the palace entrance on your own and you will be pursued by the spellswords along the way. Once you are outside travel to the hideout Lord K'avar mentioned to you. The town where the hideout is located will be in the same region where you met with the contact in te tavern earlier in this quest. The time limit for reaching the hideout depends on the distance between Sentinel City and the hideout. But this time limit is not visible to the player. Bring Lord K'avar to the hideout in time without any delays to receive your reward from him. If there are some spellswords left from the palace dungeons they will continue to pursue you. Once you enter the hideout, a random building in town, speak with Lord K'avar's friend waiting there and collect your reward from Lord K'avar.

Quest End

When you talk to the friend at the hideout Lord K'avar should have said to you:

(player's first name), you saved my life when most of my supposed friends abandoned me. I am in your debt. My resources are not what they once were, but accept this (random gold) gold as a small token of my gratitude.

But since this dialogue is not used, although it is already in the quest-file, he won't thank you at all.

Reputation Gain/Loss

If you rescue Lord K'avar from the bowels of Palace Sentinel you will lose reputaton as seen in the table below:

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Sentinel -20
Queen Akorithi -20
Sentinel's associated factions -10


  • Enemies
  • One Spellsword guarding Lord K'avar
  • 20x One Spellsword every two in-game minutes (50% chance) if you attack the Spellsword guarding Lord K'avar


  • This quest is only available with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch.
  • The time limit for this quest can be checked in you journal after you have spoke to the contact in the tavern. However the counter already starts when you get the letter from the courier.
  • If you are not sure whether you are still in time during the quest, check your journal. If the quest isn't active any longer its journal entries will be gone.
  • Lord K'avar will always be at the same quest location within Palace Sentinel.
  • Since Lord K'avar is also one of Sentinel's associated factions you will lose reputation with him as well, which does not make much sense considering the fact that you have saved his life.
  • You can embark on this quest as often as you can get it from a questgiver of the Fighters Guild.