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Brynjolfr (brynjolfr)
Location Thirsk, Outside
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 16 Class Smith
Other Repairs, Custom Fur Armor
Gold 600 Mercantile Novice (6)
Sells Bear & Wolf Armor, Nordic Silver Weapons
Other Information
Health 179 Magicka 84
Alarm 80 Fight 30

Brynjolfr is a Nord smith living in a hut north of Thirsk.

He sells various Nordic silver weaponry and a limited amount of Nordic fur armor. Most notably, he will make you custom armor out of snow bear and snow wolf pelts, which provide moderate protection and also have a resist frost enchantment on them. This armor cannot be acquired any other way and his prices are non-negotiable.

If you talk to him after the attack on the mead hall but before you kill the Udyrfrykte, Brynjolfr will tell you of his own experience with the creature: "It was horrible, %PCName! I had finally found someone interested in my custom snow bear armor and snow wolf armor. We were talking about prices, when suddenly this hideous black beast came up from the ice lake. It...it killed my customer! Then it went inside the mead hall! I heard screaming...sounds of battle! Then the thing came out again, pierced with arrows! It headed back toward the lake but first it came back for my customer and dragged off his body!"

Aside from his natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield himself, and a natural frost damage spell, he knows no spells.

Custom Armor

Type Pelts Gold
Cuirass 5 6000
Pauldron* 2 1000
Gauntlet* 2 1000
Greaves 4 5000
Boots 3 3000
Helm 2 2000

* Prices are for each piece, double them for a matched pair. Prices are the same for Bear or Wolf pelts. Snow Bear Armor is Medium weight, while Snow Wolf Armor is Light weight.


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell him something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
Item Qty
Bear Boots 1
Bear Boots 1
Bear Cuirass 1
Bear Cuirass 1
Bear Greaves 1
Bear Left Pauldron 1
Bear Right Gauntlet 1
Item Qty
Armor (cont)
Wolf Boots 1
Wolf Helmet 1
Wolf Helmet 1
Wolf Left Gauntlet 1
Wolf Left Gauntlet 1
Wolf Right Gauntlet 1
Wolf Right Pauldron 1
Item Qty
Nordic Silver Axe 1
Nordic Silver Battleaxe 1
Nordic Silver Claymore 1
Nordic Silver Longsword 1
Nordic Silver Dagger 1
Nordic Silver Mace 1


  • Brynjolfr's hut contains a Nordic silver shortsword that would give him a full set of Nordic silver weaponry, but it is not owned by him and so he doesn't sell it.