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(Redirecionado de Predefinição:Nst)


This template allows different text to be used in different namespaces without having to use cumbersome {{#if:...}} or {{#switch:...}} statements. Note, however, that unlike a {{#switch:...}} statement, you must specify custom text in each namespace, so switches may be the better choice in some instances.

You can also use {{Nst}} as a shortcut.


Parâmetero Escopo Descrição
1 optional The default text to display. Can be empty or omitted if nothing should be displayed by default.
Name or ID)
optional Namespace-specific text to display.


{{NamespaceText|Example|OB=Oblivion Example|Skyrim=Skyrim Example|Template=Template Example}}


Here, on the other hand, a switch would be shorter (though perhaps less readable):

{{Nst|Base text|OB=Custom text|SI=Custom text|SR=Custom text|DB=Custom text|Template=Custom text}}

{{#switch:{{NS_ID}}|OB|SI|SR|DB|Template=Custom text|Base text}}

Base text

Base text