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< People
Home City Skywatch
Location Market-Side Meadery
Race Bosmer Gender Female
Level 11 Health 1915

Orwinora is a Bosmer celebrant found in Skywatch, at the Market-Side Meadery tavern, talking to Anthelion and Nalguin.

When you speak to her, she will say one of several generic lines of dialogue:

  • "Look, hey. I know Rotmeth is an acquired taste. But give it a try sometime. You might find you like it."
  • "Thanks to the Sload! If they hadn't burned this burg all those years ago, wouldn't be here today."
  • "I still haven't managed to catch one of the street entertainers. Have you? Those hats. Amazing."
  • "Have you seen what those Baandari are peddling as food? No, no thank you. Give me my Slouchbear Surprise!"
  • "I miss the smells of the green. Nothing like loam under your feet and the smell of charred meat hanging in the air."

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