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< People
Home City Skywatch
Location Skywatch Manor
Race Bosmer Gender Male
Level 11 Health 387

Gwinor is a Bosmer who can be found in the kitchen of Skywatch Manor, reading a book.

He is evidently planning meals, as he will make several comments about food:

"Ahh. Duck breast crusted with Khajiiti sugars and served atop a bed of Valenwood lentils."
"Whitefish stuffed with crab meat, dripping with venison gravy! Mmm."
"Yes, yes. We stuff the... Oh! And then we put that into... Oh my yes. Sounds delicious!"
"Highlands auroch seared over the hottest coals. Served with marrow-butter toast and a nice big potato. Yum!"
"According to this, scamp liver is delicious and tender. Wonder how many it would take to make the base of a nice stew?"

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