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< People
Home City Skywatch
Race Bosmer Gender Female
Level 11 Health 1915

Gwaerarth is a Bosmer celebrant found in Skywatch just outside the city, on the east side of the gate, one terrace level below the entrance.

When you speak to her, she will say one of several generic lines of dialogue:

  • "Look, hey. I know Rotmeth is an acquired taste. But give it a try sometime. You might find you like it."
  • "Thanks to the Sload! If they hadn't burned this burg all those years ago, wouldn't be here today."
  • "I still haven't managed to catch one of the street entertainers. Have you? Those hats. Amazing."
  • "Have you seen what those Baandari are peddling as food? No, no thank you. Give me my Slouchbear Surprise!"
  • "I miss the smells of the green. Nothing like loam under your feet and the smell of charred meat hanging in the air."