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Online:Guild Blade

< NPCs
Guild Blade in a guildhall
Guild Blade training outdoors

Guild Blades are unnamed male and female members of the Fighters Guild, that can be found in and around Auridon's guildhalls and at the Earth Forge. They spend their days training with weapons, running or exercising, guarding guildhall premises or relaxing. Generally, they do not have unique dialogue.

If Aldmeri Dominion is your original alliance, Guild Blades you encounter in Vulkhel Guard guildhall are level 5, while those found on the premises of the Firsthold and Skywatch guildhalls are level 11. On Auridon a Guild Blade can belong to any of the following races: Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orc or Khajiit.

Once you complete the Fighters Guild questline, several Guild Blades will move into the Earth Forge. They are level 30 and cannot be attacked. In addition to aforementioned races, a Guild Blade in the Earth Forge can also be a Breton, an Imperial or a Nord. Here, it is possible to meet a Guild Blade who is a vampire.

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