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< People
Home City Skywatch
Location Market-Side Meadery
Race Bosmer Gender Male
Level 11 Health 2946

Goralgor is a Bosmer celebrant found in Skywatch at the Market-Side Meadery.

When you speak to him, he will say one of several generic lines:

  • "When was the last time you saw crowds like this? Haven't seen this many people since that Khajiiti moot in Dune."
  • "Your face reminds me. I must get down to the pub tent for a meat pie."
  • "I just had a woman tell me she can't stand the smell of Jagga. Here, smell this! Fermented pig's milk has never had a better aroma."
  • "I'll be glad to get back to green country. I've been out in the world too long, miss the smells of the forest."

When not in dialogue with you, he can be heard ordering (or declining) drinks from Valtir:

Valtir: "Can I get you anything?"
Goralgor: "I've had a few too many, already."
Valtir: "As you say."

Valtir: "Can I get you anything?"
Goralgor: "Wine, please. I need a pleasant scent under my nose."
Valtir: "As you say."

Valtir: "Can I get you anything?"
Goralgor: "Fetch me a brew! I've a need to slake my thirst."
Valtir: "As you say."

Valtir: "Can I get you anything?"
Goralgor: "No thanks. Can't stomach another one of these weak brews."
Valtir: "As you say."

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