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Bloodmoon:Baro Egnatius

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Baro Egnatius (Baro Egnatius)
Home Town Raven Rock
Location Docks
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 50 Class Shipmaster
Other Information
Health 275 Magicka 200
Alarm 0 Fight 50
Baro Egnatius

Baro Egnatius is an Imperial shipmaster, located by the new docks of Raven Rock. The supply ship skipper is trying to extort Falco to give him an "extra payment". Apparently, the dead captain Elberoth is somewhat of a hero to Egnatius. If you show him Elberoth's old saber, he might back off his demands.

He is wearing an expensive shirt with matching pants and shoes. Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells. After the related quest, Egnatius will leave Solstheim, never to be seen again.

Related Quests

East Empire Company

  • Supply Route Problems: Deal with a shipper who is demanding extra payments for delivering some ebony ore.


  • Greetings:
    • "You looking for a fight, %PCRace? If not, you'd better put down those fists." Goodbye
    • "Well now. Have they finally sent someone to deliver the extra payment I requested? I told them that if I was going to make this trip on top of what Elberoth was doing, it'd cost them. And I'm getting tired of waiting."
    • "Don't try to intimidate me, you.... that sword. Looks like Elberoth's. Is that his saber?"
    • "I.... I'm taking care of supplies. Just keep your distance, all right?" Goodbye

  • Baro Egnatius:
    • "Yeah? What's it to you?"
    • "Y-yes, that's me."
  • Elberoth:
    • "He's a friend of mine. Not much to look at, and certainly not much of a captain, but he was a hell of a fighter. Always brandishing that stupid sword of his... but what business is it of yours? Let's talk about that extra payment of mine, shall we?"
    • "Keep bringing him up, do you? If only he were here. He'd wipe the floor with you; wouldn't be nearly as gracious as I have. A mean little Bosmer, he is. Keep annoying him like this, and he'd likely put his saber through your skull. Next time I see him, I'll make a point of mentioning you. Perhaps he'll pay you a visit."
    • "He's dead? He.... he was one of my only friends..."
  • extra payment:
    • "That's right. You see this boat? It doesn't go anywhere until I've got that money in my hands. Your boss already knows what I'm after, and unless you're here to give it to me, I suggest you get lost. Otherwise you might get hurt."
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Like I told your boss, I'm not leaving until I get some serious cash from him. I can wait here all day, you know."
    • [Disposition ≥ 80.] "I like you. I really do. But you're not going to talk me out of it. I want my money, and I want it soon."
  • his saber:
    • "Aye, I'd recognize his sword anywhere, if I saw it. What's it to you?"
    • "What, you're going to try and tell me you have it? Sure, it's easy to talk. A guy like Elberoth, though. He wouldn't just SAY he had his saber. He'd SHOW you he had it. And a guy looking at Elberoth holding his saber? He'd understand things pretty good, or he'd be REAL sorry."
    • "How did you.... but where... so it's true? He's dead? You don't mean to tell me that you.... I mean, you didn't.... you didn't KILL him, did you? Okay, listen. Maybe I made a bit of a mistake, all right? How about I just take the ship and deliver the ore, and we won't have any sort of problem at all. Just... just don't hurt me. Look, I'm going now, see?"
    • "I can't believe you killed him...."