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Juntou-se a 16 de dezembro de 2015

New in Town

  Este usuário está na UESPWiki há {{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Extension

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  Este usuário tem um total de  9 568 edições desde que entrou na UESPWiki.
  Este usuário joga no PC.
  This user tried to play Morrowind, but the graphics made her eyes bleed.
  This user has played Oblivion.
  This user has played Skyrim.
  This user plays Elder Scrolls Online.
  This user is a sneaky Khajiit
  This user thanks the Invisible Pink Unicorn for her vast knowledge.
  This user lives in Sweden, but can't seem to find the area on the map of Tamriel.
  Este usuário é mulher.
  This user is left-handed.

The Grip of Madness

"I didn't ask for any of this! And what's up with that stupid dress?"

Something was simply not right.

Tibbie, the sixteenth-fold veteran of Aldmeri Dominion, Slayer of Undead, Savior of the Nirn, Maelstrom Arena Champion, and the secret love interest of Razum-dar (let's not talk more about that) was now sure she'd somehow contracted Witbane, Ash Woe Blight or some other horrible disease.

She could not explain why one day she started to act strangely, going to the places she had no plans to visit and stopping for long moments to stare at creatures she would otherwise simply hack and slash or pass by without as much as a shrug. Or buildings. Boring, tall, stone bricks, wood, cobwebs, skeletons and all that. Truthfully, she got a headache after staring at some insignificant Dwemer ruin for what seemed like an eternity. It was as if almost somebody else controlled her Khajiit body, forced it to stop, sneak, climb or do other (potentially embarrassing) things. If she didn't know better she'd think somebody was remotely using her for gathering information about her surroundings - the places, the people, the nature, the dangerous creatures.

Sounds like utter nonsense.. I've got a disease or two for sure, she thought anxiously, when she suddenly remembered rumors overheard in a remote Riften tavern crowded with Nord (who else?) drunks. (No, it was not Fredas. It was still crowded.)

There could only be one explanation. Yes, that was it!

Tibbie had heard rumors of the fellow adventurers across all factions who were believed to be chosen by an unknown scholar cult from a parallel dimension to gather information about her home world. Every piece of information, every creature, building and plant would be thoroughly assigned and evaluated by those Breton-like pale figures, who would spend hours sitting behind their advanced digital calculating machines, describing and discussing Tamriel, if not the whole Nirn itself. Why on earth anyone would waste their time on this was beyond the Khajiit's comprehension. She only knew she was chosen and she had to accept her fate.

Ahem... on to those damned catacombs of Skyreach then! she sighed. Good research doesn't just come knocking at your door, after all. We wouldn't want the world - err, the other worlds - to get some wrong ideas about Tamriel anyhow. She gazed upon the stars as if waiting for a response. There was only silence.

These bloody scholars - Wikians, or whatever they now were called.

Putting the Pieces Together

I started to edit here in December 2015 when I noticed there are some Orsinium Contraband items not listed on the page yet.

Shortly thereafter I went to explore the Craglorn Adventure Zone because I was busy with other things (PvP!) when the zone was added in 2014, plus I had a rather long break from the game as well. I noticed how many things still needed to be added and started doing it.

I maybe *should* help with Orsinium as I've completed everything there, but ... one thing at a time. Besides, I would then also need to do the quests all over again with another char. SIGH :)

Getting to the Truth

A little list of what I've been working on here so far! I focus on a specific location where I add big chunks of information and I get obsessed at discovering every piece of relevant information.

  • Craglorn
    • Quests
    • Delves/locales/misc places
    • Named monsters (mostly quest/delve bosses)
    • NPCs
    • Lots of images for the above stuff! O_O
  • All things Thieves Guild - pre-release, and probably keep adding things after release also.

Ideas for future:

  • The Craglorn related articles, aka more qualitative work, but I need to look through lots of sources in order to conclude well, anything about this region. It's a bit overwhelming. For example it's quite hard to describe how the region is split up between the different groups, although it is clear that it's the case (Iron Orcs to the north, Blackcaster mages in southeast and Anka-Ra to southwest). Plus I don't know which sources are acceptable (npc conversations, lore books, events in game...) :/ There's lots of err, lore, which is quite specific to Craglorn and not found elsewhere. This means Craglorn articles would rely on almost solely primary sources.
  • Maybe I need a mentor, but it seems not many are available and I'm afraid to ask! I have like lots of small questions. Maybe I should join the UESP guild? :)

Proof that I can't spell

  • Shuryard became "Shurgard". Should she return to UESP I'll make sure to apologize for that.
  • The Lonesome Loom .. or The Lonesome Loon?! (The latter does sound cooler though)
  • Lazy Murshez turned into Lady Murshez. What the...?