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Vordur Steel-Hammer

Juntou-se a 5 de setembro de 2014
User-userbox-Oghma Icon.png This user is a Loremaster.
Flag Poland.png This user is from Poland.
MaleIcon.png Este usuário é homem.
LO-race-Nord.png This user is a member of the Nord race.
OBbsign Warrior.jpg This User was born under the sign of The Warrior.
ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart.png This user is a member of the Ebonheart Pact.
40px This user is knowledgeable about the geography of Tamriel.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png Este usuário joga no PC.
ON-icon-logo.jpg ESO username (EU): @wsus
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is a member of the UESP ESO guild on the European PC server.
OB-icon-misc-Quill.png This user writes fanfiction.
Wiki.png Este usuário tem um total de  2 673 edições desde que entrou na UESPWiki.

Hello, I am Vordur Steel-Hammer and I'm from Poland. I'm mainly interested in the integrity of the lore, especially in creating "bridges" between ESO and the previous content. If you find something interesting (eg. an inconsistency or an unusual reference), let me know!



Maps of all currently known Ayleid and Dwemer Ruins:

The map of Dwemer ruins does not include unnamed ruins inside caves (Sightless Pit, Tolvald's Cave). Also, Bamz-Amschend is marked where Mournhold is in ESO, not where it is on the background map.

Complete maps of the provinces of Valenwood and High Rock circa 2E 582:

Landscape map of Tamriel

This rough map is an attempt to summarize all the current geographical knowledge of Tamriel. I will try to update it as new regions in ESO are released.

Landscape map of Tamriel

Below are the maps showing all Ayleid and Dwemer ruins using the Landscape Map as a base:

Fictional lorebooks

Architectural styles in ESO

Interesting stuff found in the ESO master text file

  • There are whole quests and dialogues from the zone in the southern Summerset Isle, which contains the cities of Sunhold and Dusk. The mentioned places include: Sunhold, Dusk, Varyllis, Isque and the Harmonium Fortress. From what I've been able to extract, is seems that the questline revolves about defending the area from a major Maormer invasion and acquiring some objects called "Batons of Fidelity" for Queen Ayrenn (which suggests that this zone is an extra AD zone and not another neutral Adventure Zone)
  • Wayshrines in Wrothgar:
    • Frostbreak Wayshrine
    • Siege Road Wayshrine
    • Trader's Road Wayshrine
    • Orsinium Wayshrine
    • Shatul Wayshrine
    • Icy Shore Wayshrine
    • Morkul Plain Wayshrine
    • Great Bay Wayshrine
  • There are dozens of names of unknown dungeon-like places. One particularly interesting place is Norenen-dur, a Daedric shrine beneath Mournhold previously seen in Tribunal.
  • The isle of Cybiades (where would it go, I wonder?)
  • Quest objective "Rescue the Imga Chieftain". Imga coming to ESO?
  • Names of the future zones:
    • Sunforge (this one is actually mentioned in the game, in one of the letters from Madam Firilanya)
    • The Reach
    • The Weeping Desert
    • Hjaalmarch
    • Whiterun Hold
    • The Pale
    • Falkreath Hold (misspelled "Falkearth" in the file)
    • Gold Coast
    • Colovian Highlands
    • Tenmar
    • Quin-rawl
    • Anequina
    • Blackwood
    • Dregmire
    • Nibenay Valley
    • Nibenay
    • Southern Marsh (Thornmarsh?)
    • Topal Island
    • Velothi Highlands (Blacklight area?)

Cities and towns of Tamriel existing in or before 2E 582

This table lists the most important towns and cities of Tamriel, which were mentioned or appeared in the games set in Third Era AND exist in or before the time of ESO, along with at least one source mentioning each of them. Green fields indicate ESO-specific sources, yellow fields indicate earlier books which reappear in ESO.

Places from Arena and Daggerfall reappearing in later titles

Note: Markwasten Moor is mentioned in ESO-specific books as the site of the final battle in which Ranser's troops were defeated, which would mean it's an alternative name for Traitor's Tor. Howewer, there is also a subzone in Rivenspire named Westmark Moor, which is similar enough to suggest that Markwasten Moor was an earlier name for this subzone, which was changed later in the development.