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Juntou-se a 28 de dezembro de 2012
Sarthes Arai
Location Flag Germany.png Germany Gender MaleIcon.png Male
Age 34 Class Patroller
Days on the Wiki 4435 Editcount 11 858
Other Information
Skills Screenshooting, Getting Information from Construction Set and Creation Kit, Editing, Modding
Usergroups Users from Germany; PC Users; Users Who Belong to the UESP ESO Guild
Knowledgeable about
"Sarthes Arai" in the style of a dunmeri banner

Sarthes Arai is a german Patroller of the UESPwiki.

Contributions and Sandboxes


File List


Today is Tirdas, the 18º of Sun's Dawn.


Feel free to leave a message on my talk page, I'll check it regularly.



Sarthes Arai

As seen in Daggerfall
As seen in Morrowind
As seen in Oblivion
As seen in Skyrim
As seen in ESO
Sarthes Arai
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 34 Class   Hero
Other Information
Primary Skills Alchemy, Archery, Cojuration, Destruction, Light Armor, One-Handed Swords, Restoration, Smithing, Sneak
Faction(s) Ashlanders (Hearthfriend); Blades (Agent); Dark Brotherhood (Assassin); House Redoran (House Father); Imperial Cult (Acolyte); Imperial Legion (Legate); Mages Guild (Master Wizard); Morag Tong (Master); Thieves Guild (Master Thief); Temple (Diviner)

Sarthes Arai is a Dunmer adventurer and Agent of the Blades. He was an orphan raised by the Tribunal Temple of Morrowind, and was taught the ancient dunmeric traditions. He also had strong ties to the Empire, and supported it and its Divines as well. Although he showed great faith for Almsivi, he secretly even followed the Ancestor Cult of his nomadic kinsmen and worshipped the Daedric Princes.


As seen in Oblivion
As seen in Skyrim
As seen in ESO
Race Altmer Gender Female
Level 34 Class   Mage
Other Information
Primary Skills Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration, Staves, Unarmored
Faction(s) Mages Guild (Master Wizard); Nine Divines (Acolyte)

Imeraia is an Altmer wizard. She travels all of Tamriel and beyond in search of knowledge.


As seen in ESO
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level 34 Class   Thief
Other Information
Primary Skills Alteration, Illusion, Lockpicking, Sneak, Mysticism, Pickpocket
Faction(s) Thieves Guild (Master Thief)

Rij-Dar is a Khajiiti thief.

Gorgon gro-Unsha

As seen in Skyrim
Gorgon gro-Unsha
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 34 Class Warrior
Other Information
Primary Skills Block, Heavy Armor, One-Handed Mauls, Smithing
Faction(s) Arena (Gladiator); Blackwood Company (Company Member); Companions (Circle); Fighters Guild (Warder); Stormcloaks (Bone-Breaker)

Gorgon gro-Unsha is an Orc warrior. Together with his mother Unsha, he grew up as a slave to a crazy altmeri wizard. It soon became apparent that Gorgon had a natural resistance to magic, which he used to slay his master and free himself from slavery. He despises all forms of magic and tries to fight them whenever possible.


As seen in Oblivion
As seen in Skyrim
As seen in ESO
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 34 Class   Shadowscale
Other Information
Primary Skills Alchemy, Archery, Light Armor, Daggers, Illusion, Sneak
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood (Silencer); Mages Guild (Apprentice); Thieves Guild (Shadowfoot)

Shadow-Scar is an Argonian Vampire Shadowscale and Silencer of the Dark Brotherhood.

Alain Amelion

As seen in ESO
Alain Amelion
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 34 Class   Knight
Other Information
Primary Skills Alteration, Block, Enchanting, One-Handed Swords, Heavy Armor, Restoration
Faction(s) Companions (Shield-Brother); Dawnguard; Fighters Guild (Guardian); Imperial Legion (Legate); Knights of the Thorn (Honorary Knight); Knights of the White Stallion (Knight-Errant)

Sir Alain Amelion is a Breton Knight.


Race Reachman Gender Male
Level 34 Class   Barbarian
Other Information
Primary Skills Alteration, Armorer, Conjuration, Destruction, Light Armor, Mysticism, Two-handed Greatswords
Faction(s) Companions (Shield-Brother); Forsworn

Urcenach is a Reachman Barbarian and Daedra worshipper.


  This user is a Madman in the Court of Madness.
  This user likes food, especially meat.
  Este usuário é um Patrulhador das Mudanças Recentes.
  This user is tired now. Go bother somebody else.