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Utilizador:PsijicOrder/Skyrim Roleplaying Ideas/Mage

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Elemental Mage

As an Elemental Mage you are a master of destruction magic, bringing pain and suffering with your chosen element. You'll need to train in the arts of Destruction, Conjuration, and Enchanting. Destruction will help you increase the damage of your chosen element and use it more efficiently. Conjuration will allow you to summon familiars of your chosen element and even two at higher levels. Enchanting will allow you to create elemental damage/protection on your weapons/armor. If you decide to be an Elemental Battlemage, wear Guard Armor that has colors signifying your element. Fire: Solitude, Ice: Winterhold, Storm: Winterhold. Element specific information is listed below.

Fire Mage

As a Fire Mage you harness fire to ignite your foes. For equipment, you'll probably want to wear either Master Robes or Mythic Dawn robes as they are both warm colors. You'll need to learn all the possible fire spells available and complete the Destruction Radiant quests choosing fire as your element. Also, you may want to upgrade your Fire Breath shout as if you can conjure flame from inside you. If you decide to complete the main quest, use your Call Dragon shout as much as possible to summon the ultimate fire familiar. Due to your extensive research and contact with fire magic you may become closer to it than anyone else and gain an immunity to their effects. Enchant a set of robes with 100% resist fire to simulate this. Your power of fire could be so great that it never even rains or snows in your presence. Achieve this by using the clear skies shout when it is raining or snowing. Unleash your wrath on all of Skyrim burning villages and their people, or put your skill to practical use and enlist in the Civil War or College of Winterhold! Dunmer make particularly good candidates for this role.

Ice Mage

As an Ice Mage you'll use ice to freeze your enemies. For equipment, the Arch-Mage Robes/Apprentice Robes/Blue Robes work perfect as they are all cool colors. You'll need to learn all the possible Ice spells available and complete the Destruction Radiant quests choosing Ice as your element. Upgrade your Freeze/Ice Breath shouts to their maximum potential to unleash additional Ice Damage on your foes. Stay in cold places, the snow is your home and you should stray from warmer places which is not too hard to do in Skyrim. You should feel right at home in Winterhold. Make sure to enchant your weapons with Frost damage, Chillrend would be an excellent sword for an Ice Mage. You can go from town to town impaling your victims with Ice Spears, or put your skill to practical use and join the Civil War. Nords are a good roleplaying choice here.

Storm Mage

As a Storm Mage you'll be using electricity to fry your foes to ash piles. Robes that work nice are the Expert Robes or Black Robes. Start your wrath by learning all the possible Storm spells you can learn. Proceed into combat with your trusty Storm Atronach and unleash lightning to slay your enemies. Upgrade your Storm Call shout to its full potential so that you can truly have the power of the storms and unleash lightning on many foes at once. Enchant your weapons with storm damage and unleash shock with your blade. As a travelling storm mage, you can entirely destroy a town with your Storm Call shout and your Chain Lightning spells. Unleash wrath lawlessly, or unleash it through justice by joining a faction.

Description and Idea by PsijicOrder. Edited by --Sibane 16:48, 10 January 2012 (UTC)


A Sage is essentially a nature mage. The most efficient race for this character type is a Breton. For appearance, you may want an old bearded man. Sage's are wise men who have lived very long. As a sage you'll need to wear earthy colored robes to be one with Skyrim. Don't wear shoes, you'll need to be down to earth. Advance in healing magics. Don't EVER use fire or electricity. Only use the natural elements. Carry a shield in one hand during combat, use a staff or spell in the other. Absorb souls sending them to good use and summon Wolves to aid you. Seek out hagravens and execute them for their atrocities. The amulet of Kynareth should always be worn as this is the divine that grants you power. Use the animal friend shout to receive the aid of nearby animals.

Description and Idea by PsijicOrder


A Necromancer is a follower of the dark arts who resurrects the dead and inflicts pain and torment on all that they meet. Preferably your character should be an Elf or a Breton. To be a necromancer you will need to wear necromancer robes. You can find some of these robes at the Ritual Stone, where you will need to head to choose your birthsign. Use Ice magic to freeze your test subjects and experiment on them with other magics. If you want to put your skills to practical use, Join the College of Winterhold! You must always hide your identity there. Maybe someone there finds out your a necromancer. Kill them, and use their body as your next subject. Or maybe, you're against the College all together and you're constantly fighting them. For homes you can use cleared out caves or forts. Killing off a fort can add plenty of new subjects.You can also play as an Argonian,with their cruel looks,and the horns are great.As a necromancer,you can also be a vampire,as if you use the undead,why not be undead?It can also be a great roleplaying experiance,as you would have to only venture out at night to lure in your next experiment!

Description by justice knight and PsijicOrder.


As a Shaman you are the spiritual leader of a tribe or hold. Unlike the High Priest, you are actually the voice of the gods, informing the Jarls of how the gods believe their Holds should be ruled. You're looked upon to lead to a Hold spiritually. You should become the thane of the hold you wish to lead. After becoming thane, get your Shaman Staff. This will be your Hold's totem, if lost or stolen, you must do everything you can to get it back. You're going to need ingredients and items to create rituals with. These rituals may result in creating an enchanted sword or summoning the dead for lost knowledge. They could also result in being visions giving you insight on how to lead your hold. Maybe your Hold is not really revolved around spiritual guidance and is more in touch with combat. In this case, work your hardest to be noticed so that your Jarl may actually consider your words.

Description and Idea by PsijicOrder


As a Warlock your goal will be to spread destruction everywhere. Altmer and Dunmer work best for this character type. For robes consider wearing Thalmor Hooded Robes. These will help your destruction and look very appropriate. Train hard in Destruction magic practice on anything that moves from rabbits to guards. Run through villages and slaughter their residents with your preferred element. After killing them be sure to test your spells on their bodies. Move on from town to town until you get to the College of Winterhold. There you'll need to attack everyone, enslaving them and making them work for you. Read the books in the library to gain infinite knowledge. Befriend no one. You're a dangerous and powerful wizard who no one can mess with.

Description and Idea by PsijicOrder


As a Witch you should make a female mage, particularly a Breton, Altmer, Imperial, Dunmer or Nord. Witches will specialize in Conjuration magic, using all three or specializing in one. Destruction, Restoration, and Alteration magics are also important in using a witch character. Alchemy is helpful for most witches, as are Enchanting and Illusion. Illia is a good follower, for roleplaying purposes, but anyone will do. Staves and daggers pertaining to witches or Hagravens are recommended, but witches generally use spellcraft above all else. Consider wearing black mage robes or hooded black mage robes as your attire. Do quests relating to other witches and Hagravens, in order to learn more of your own order.

Witches are, essentially, female mages that contact the spirits and gods (Aedric and Daedric) via Conjuration magic to do their bidding. Many operate in Covens that worship a patron god, but most witches universally revere Lorkhan, Kynareth and Hircine. To further a connection with the spirits, you may wish to complete the main quest, and roleplay shouting as your command of the spirits -- Unrelenting Force is your command of Kynareth's fingers (Amaro, Pina and Tallatha) to strike your enemies, etc. (Many shouts can be roleplayed a command of Kynareth's might.) Conjuration will be your best form of magic. Most witches are Breton (Reachman or not) but any of the five aforementioned races will do.

Description and Idea by Witchery


Usually, people don't start off as the best Mages in the world. You need a place to study and be educated by those who have had experience. Almost all races are suitable as long as you are interested in Magic. For this there is a few different types of student to be.

College of Winterhold student

As a College student make sure you are wearing the robes given to you at the beginning of the Questline. It is, obviously, advised to join the College of Winterhold faction for the services and the location. I would suggest finishing the quest 'Under Saarthal' and then not going any further. Do the radiant quests from your fellow Apprentices soon and then move onto the other ones. Spend a lot of time in the Arcanaeum as you can, try and focus on one particular branch of Magic and practice regularly in the Hall of Elements. Sleep in your allocated quarters of the Hall of Attainment and reorganize it to your tastes. Once or twice every month, venture out of the College and into the town for supplies and possibly to have some Mead.

Novice Mage

For this one the possibilities could be endless. You could be a Mage that was taken in by a group of Necromancers / Mages with sinister goals or simply wishing to educate yourselves away from the College and the ridicule of the Nords. There are no real friendly groups like this in the game, but mixing it with a follower and a Dead Thrall can mean that you have a group in a cleared cave. Venture out often to test your spells on unsuspecting subjects, Broken Fang Cave is recommended as none of the Vampires there respawn and it looks reasonably sinister.

Court Wizard's Apprentice

For this, I suggest getting to, and completing, Dragon Rising from the Main questline or not doing any of the Main quest at all. Find Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach or any other Court Wizard and act as if they are teaching you. Run errands if they tell you to, observe and take notes on any spells they cast and aid them with their work. It is recommended to select Farengar as he often has a miscellaneous objective for delivering an object to somebody, although a few of them have this. If it is possible, do NOT become Thane of the Hold where you are an Apprentice, as the Thane of a city being taught by the Court Wizard doesn't sound very good. With this you can still be a regular citizen, except you will be learning from a Court Wizard.

Description and Idea by Septim-Slasher.

The Corrupted

As the corrupted, you are an evil Warlock who has befell to the power of The skull of Corruption. You thought you were powerful enough, but now you are under the Skull's control. Wreck havoc over skyrim, show no mercy, and kill everyone. Your race is optional, however, you should wear the Ebony Mail as the effect in battle shadows you and looks appropriate to this character. Your magic skills should all be above 70. Try to cover your face. Use Two Dead Thralls (level 100 conjuration) and a companion that is skilled in magic. Clear out a fort and use it to your advantage. Collect souls using the Black Star to feed the Skulls endless hunger, or suffer the consequences.

Idea and description by Oblivionation

Broken Mage

As a broken mage you were once an at least reasonably powerful spell caster but due to some form of accident, injury, or curse your connection to magic has been nearly severed. Your race isn't important (though being an elf or breton would make the most sense.) To effectively play this character one must be very sparing with increasing magicka and learning new spells as the "wound" heals slowly. Only learn a spell or increase magicka when accomplishing great feats or interacting with powerful magical artifacts (i.e. killing a dragon or being around the eye of magnus.) It is recommended to join the college of winterhold hoping they can restore your former magical prowess. Due to your newfound lack of magical ability some form of warrior type build should be selected that will eventually shift to a spellsword and finally a full blown mage.

Idea and description by FreakinTolfdir 05:44, 2 August 2012 (UTC)

On a side note I adjusted this idea from Knights of the Old Republic II's plot, figure I ought to credit them


As an illusionist, you are a mysterious mage that somehow gets what he wants without doing much. You should try to use illusion magic only, no direct violence or any other school of magic, but you can do other things if you deem it necessary, such as being required for a quest. You will make your enemies fight amongst another to defeat them, and bring a follower to take care of whoever is left. The recommended race is High Elf, since they start with Fury. Only wear clothes or robes, no armor. Once you become powerful enough, you can practically pick and choose who dies and lives by making their friends angry at them. This can make you a very influential character. For example, you can sabotage a city by making all of the guards kill each other, making the hold of your choice dominant over them. Become the master of illusion, and rule the world! Try increasing your speechcraft to 100 as this may also help the effectiveness of being so influential.

Idea and description by Trevor1324

P.S. This was inspired by an article in PC Gamer, where someone plays like this. Credit where it's due!

The Enchanter

Ah, the enchanter. To be one you must have a follower to do all the fighting, while you collect artifacts, enchanted armor/weapons, and soul gems. To make your profit you sell all of the stuff after it is enchanted. Then you become a museum keeper to (Not needed just recommended). After making your profits to get a house fill it with magical stuff. Here is what you shall wear.

Robes(enchanted for better enchanting) Hood Gloves and boots that are enchanted for enchanting.

Now you are set, HAVE FUN!!

By: P.C.F. (my initials)


Another elemental mage, live in the wild and attempt to befriend animals(Animal Allegiance shout)Your main skills would be in alteration and restoration.Spells like night eye and detect life are good because you can speak to animals and they'll tell you about the group of bandits posing as imperials up ahead etc. Understand the standing stones and the firmament like the druids of old, and know how to enchant simple things, like blessing a dagger you found and leaving it there for a lucky hunter. Wear clothes if possible, brown or tan ones are best. Robes are also ok if you think it fits. Have powers like the ancient celtic druids. Carry around scrolls of blizzard to imitate conjuring a small storm, because the celtic druids could. Use frost bolt to make it look like you just froze some water. Conjure familiars to help you, or use frost or storm atronachs so it looked like you just grabbed those rocks and gave them life, or froze water from that lake nearby and gave that life too. Be able to breathe underwater but not be an argonian(argonians would have shamans due to their tribal culture). Another useful thing would be to become a werewolf as druids were able to shift into certain creatures.

By: Emzi 43

Dragon Priest

You worship the dragons as gods, and aim to bring about a new order of Dragon Priests, with you as it's leader. Collect all nine of the Dragon Priest masks, using the most powerful one for yourself. Then, use a Mo' Followers mod (if you're on console, just have 1 follower and pretend you are still looking for others) and outfit them in robes and masks. Make sure they are ALL mages, none of the Dragon Priests used battleaxes or warhammers! For yourself, use destruction and conjuration magic, as well as a staff of your choosing. The main spells to use would be cloak spells, thrall spells(Master Conjuration), soul trap, to charge your staff, and high level destruction spells such as incinerate or icy spear. Take over a fort and use it as your base of operations, and depending on what type of character you are, experiment with new staffs on prisoners, or just kill them. Kill as many Blades as you can (join them in the Main Questline and add members to them each time you kill a new one) and conquer the lands.