"Khajiit welcomes you, fellow paw of the Nine."
Ninepaw is female and lives in the UK. She plays Oblivion and Skyrim on the PC.
Lost Actors - Dude, where's my horse?
<target>.moveto <actor ID>
- "Actor ID" is that number you get when you open the console and click on an object. It refers to that specific instance of the object (my specific grey horse) and is not to be confused with the base ID, which is the generic catalogue number (any and all grey horses). You will find the base ID listed on this wiki if you look up an object or a character. Unfortunately, you can only find the ref ID / actor ID in-game, because it will be unique to your game.
- My horse is 000984ab (but I prefer to call her Jenny).
- player.moveto 000984ab = moves me to my horse.
- 000984ab.moveto player = moves my horse to me.
Quest Glitches
First, get the Quest ID. Hopefully, it's right there on the Quest page in this wiki, but if it isn't, then it's time to make use of:
- Select the quest you're interested in from your journal, so it's the current quest, then open the console and type showquesttargets.
- Along with your "targets", i.e. your destination and objects of interest, the console should spew out "Current Quest: MS01" or similar. MS01 is the ID for the Quest.
- Not foolproof, especially not for messy Misc quests, and of course is useless if quest never appears in your journal in the first place, a la Drowned Sorrows glitch.
Next, see what stages to a quest are avaliable and which ones are active.
sqs <Quest ID>
- Looks like: sqs FreeformWinterholdC (this will display all the stages for the quest Drowned Sorrows).
- Stages with a 1 are complete or active, stages with a 0 are inactive.
Then if you want, you can set the stage you need to be at.
player.setstage <Quest ID> <#stage>
- The "player." prefix shouldn't really be necessary, but I find it's more reliable this way.
- It helps of course to know the stages of the quest, but if you don't, experiment with increments of 5 and 10.
- You can't go backwards in quest stages.
- Would look something like: player.setstage Favor257 20 (instantly completes "Assist the People of Winterhold").
Fell through the floor again
Trapped in the void again? You're looking for tcl (turn clipping off and walk through walls). It's a toggle - type once to turn on, type again to turn off.
Formatting - Because I always forget
- Double apostrophe (') makes itallic.
- Triple apostrophe (') makes bold.
- Asterix (*) for bulleted lists.
- Hash (#) for numbered lists.
- Colon (:) for indents.